Maverick replied to the topic Assign rank based on points instead of number of posts?.
August 31 at 5:57 am
Edit plugins/cjforum/topics/topics.php and modify assignRank() function. You will take num_posts value defined on the rank and use it as points instead of posts. -
yorai ronen created new topic Assign rank based on points instead of number of posts?.
August 31 at 4:16 am
hello maverick, i'm builting a site based on CJforum & Community Quiz. CJforum is used not only as a forum but first as a the base for the user-profiles and other social features. i want to assign the user's Rank based on Points, instead of Forum Posts. this way the rank will also be affected by the user activity in Community Quiz (or other apps). the center of the site is actually the Quizes, and the Forum is only supplemantry, so most of the user activity will be done on the quiz application, and i wish the Rank to reflect that. is there anyway to do that? thanks yorai -
yorai ronen liked a reply to the topic Simple Poll for cjForum.
August 30 at 11:10 pm
yorai ronen liked a reply to the topic Simple Poll for cjForum.
August 30 at 11:10 pm
yorai ronen said thank you to abdulhalim for his/her reply to the topic Remove plugins buttons from editor.
August 30 at 10:37 pm
OK now, i changed the ACL to Administrator group -
Maverick replied to the topic Previous Button and Mandatory Questions.
August 30 at 7:05 pm
Previous button works the same way as next button, save questions and move back. So it must validate rules. Would you expect user selections lost when previous button is clicked? -
Maverick replied to the topic How to get Progress Bar working.
August 30 at 7:04 pm
Looks like the screenshot is missing. Can you post the survey url to check it? -
Pam Lovatt created new topic Previous Button and Mandatory Questions.
August 30 at 12:41 pm
Hello When the previous button is used the page will not go back until the mandatory questions are answered. This is a bit annoying, is there any way to return to the previous page without having to answer the manadatory questions on the current page. Thanks Pam -
Pam Lovatt created new topic How to get Progress Bar working.
August 30 at 12:35 pm
Hello I think I have the Progress Bar, but it doesn't show any colour or movement. Screenshot attached. How do I get it working? Thanks for your help Pam -
yorai ronen said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic poll buttons not working on component's pages.
August 29 at 1:08 am
Yes. -
yorai ronen said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic more options to design the answers after poll is answered.
August 28 at 11:32 pm
Got it. A new class "selected-answer" is added only for the selected answers. Will be there in next release. -
yorai ronen liked a reply to the topic more options to design the answers after poll is answered.
August 28 at 11:32 pm
Maverick replied to the topic more options to design the answers after poll is answered.
August 28 at 3:58 pm
Got it. A new class "selected-answer" is added only for the selected answers. Will be there in next release. -
Maverick replied to the topic Update Community Surveys Package 4.1.9 -> 4.2.1.
August 28 at 3:56 pm
Autoupdate is available only to the active members of community surveys. If you have active membership, please update your download key in your CjLib options. -
Maverick replied to the topic Questions' category access permission problem.
August 28 at 3:55 pm
Well this is something debatable. As per groupA, he should get access and as per groupB, he should be denied access. What would you do in such case? The standard practice Joomla ACL follows here is deny the access. How to fix this: do not give conflicting access to users. -
yorai ronen replied to the topic more options to design the answers after poll is answered.
August 28 at 3:14 pm
thank you very much for considering my suggestions! as for #4, currently all answers in the list have the same class (choice-answer). i'm looking to add another class, only to the chosen answer. you can see in the attached screenshot. so this way all the 'li' elements will have the "choice-answer" class, same as now, but the 'li' element with the answer that was chosen by the user, will have an additional class, someting like "user-choice". this way i will be able to style all 'li' element with: #cj-wrapper .survey-result-question .choice-answer but i'll also be able to add custom design only to the chosen answer with: #cj-wrapper .survey-result-question .choice-answer.user-choice hope i was able to explain that in a good way. thanks again. yorai -
yorai ronen said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Assign Poll to an Author from Users-list.
August 28 at 1:12 pm
Just override the front-end form view components/com_communitypolls/views/form/tmpl/edit.php Delete the portions you don't want. -
SSV Lützenkirchen created new topic Update Community Surveys Package 4.1.9 -> 4.2.1.
August 28 at 10:44 am
Joomla 3.6.2 I wanted to make the Update the survey package and get the error-message : Warnung Aktualisierungspfad existiert nicht. Nachricht Fehler beim Aktualisieren von COM_INSTALLER_TYPE_TYPE_. In english: directory for Upadate does not exist. update on Com_installer_type_type_ fault. Can u help me pls? -
Maverick replied to the topic more options to design the answers after poll is answered.
August 28 at 6:24 am
@yorai, thank you for the good suggestions you made. I will add them in the next release. -
Maverick replied to the topic Assign Poll to an Author from Users-list.
August 28 at 6:18 am
Just override the front-end form view components/com_communitypolls/views/form/tmpl/edit.php Delete the portions you don't want.