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  • Maverick replied to the topic Removing or Editing Message on Survey.

    September 12 at 4:20 pm

    >> Moving topic to the right category First of all thank you for your feedback and support. Appreciate it. Regarding the message, it looks to be a customized message, not from the component. However I believe it should be found in languages/en-GB/en-GB.com_communitysurveys.ini

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Polls error.

    September 12 at 4:16 pm

    >> Moving topic to right category Go to Components->Community Polls->Click on Options button on toolbar->Editing Layout tab->Make sure at least one option is selected for allowed chart types.

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic how can I create a quiz like this?.

    September 12 at 4:13 pm

    If you want to display message based on the marks he got from his quiz, use scorewise messages feature. Edit your quiz and add messages. 

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic 403 error while editing quiz.

    September 12 at 4:11 pm

    403 error is fired only in case of permission issue. So there must be something else going wrong. Edit your quiz using admin account and check the permission settings. Try change something and save. Now check if registered users can edit them. Let me know if it works. In this case your quizzes are not registered in the Joomla assets table, you need to run migration script. The other possibility is the permissions are restricted on the category level. Check category permissions.

    8 years ago

  • Suzette du Plessis created new topic Removing or Editing Message on Survey.

    September 12 at 2:05 pm

    Good morning..... First of all I would like to say THANK YOU for a wonderful product.  I would not be able to have arranged a competition for our community without this component:o)))I started using this last year and it worked great!!! Now this year I do have one question..... I have created some new surveys but I have a message displaying in the bottom of the survey page, and I have no idea how I did this last year:o(((  I would like to edit this message, but I cannot seem to find it anywhere... I looked wherever I thought it could be but with no luck. Can you maybe help me and tell me where this message can be found so that I can edit it? I am including a screen shot for you to see. Thanks Suzette

    8 years ago

  • robert harcenco created new topic Poos error.

    September 12 at 11:12 am

    I did a Pools on my site, and when i try to solve it, I receive the error: Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in/........./.........../public_html/ on line 176 How can I solve this?

    8 years ago

  • robert harcenco replied to the topic how can I create a quiz like this?.

    September 12 at 11:05 am

    Can you please also answer to this question: How shall I make a quiz and how is possible for the user to receive only the message from his sum marks?  

    8 years ago

  • Anton Luehrs said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic All answers in report.

    September 12 at 8:26 am

    Then you need to do a small custom code hack. Edit administrator/components/com_communitysurveys/models/reports.php and find below code at line 299 if($response->question_id == $question->id && count($question->textResponses) < 5) change it to if($response->question_id == $question->id && count($question->textResponses) < 10)

    8 years ago

  • Mentorware replied to the topic 403 error while editing quiz.

    September 12 at 6:19 am

    As per our company policy we cannot share administrator details. Kindly help.

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic How to hide categories from CJblog uses?.

    September 12 at 5:50 am


    8 years ago

  • Pinto Buck replied to the topic How to hide categories from CJblog uses?.

    September 11 at 10:03 pm

    Excellent. Thank you.

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic how can I create a quiz like this?.

    September 11 at 7:13 pm

    If you are unsure about how to do the overrides, just add your adsense code before the following code in that file. Only disadvantage is you need to do this everytime you update your component. <?php if(!empty($item->messages))

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic How to hide categories from CJblog uses?.

    September 11 at 7:11 pm

    Those settings are applied only for the module but not the main component. I am adding an option to exclude categories from the main component page.

    8 years ago

  • robert harcenco replied to the topic how can I create a quiz like this?.

    September 11 at 5:51 pm

    Hello, I want the adsense code, in the results page but before scorewise message (I need this also for pools and croswords - just before the results, the users should watch the adsense and only after that, to get their results). Would you please help me to override the layout? Because I dont know how to do it.. How shall I make a quiz and how is possible for the user to receive only the message from his sum marks?  

    8 years ago

  • Pinto Buck created new topic How to hide categories from CJblog uses?.

    September 11 at 2:33 pm

    Using Joomla 3.62 and CJblog v2.0.0.b1. I would like to hide some article categories from CJblog users. For example I would like to hide Uncategorised and System Articles. I thought I found the control in the CJBlog Categories module (see attached image), but users could still access and blog to the all the categories through their dashboard.

    8 years ago

  • Pinto Buck replied to the topic Cannot create a blog article.

    September 11 at 12:27 am

    I think I fixed it. This is what worked for me. I reset all permissions back to the original default permissions. Then, I went to Joomla back end / Global Configurations / CJblog / Permissions. In that Permissions, for Registered Users, I set Create to allowed, and set Edit Own to allowed. Now, logged in users could create a blog in CJblog. Doing it this way, I think the new permissions only apply to the CJblog component.  

    8 years ago

  • Pinto Buck replied to the topic Cannot create a blog article.

    September 10 at 10:58 pm

    Hello Maverick.  Thank you for replying.  I understand that CJblog is a free extension, so I very much appreciate your help. The problem is with permissions as you suggested.  When I logged into the front end as super user, then everything worked. However for the registered and logged in user, the problems remained. In the back end, I went to Global Configurations / Articles and set "allowed" for registered users and above. Then, I went to Components / CJblog / Options / Articles and set "allowed" for registered users and above.  But, the problems remained.

    8 years ago

  • Maverick replied to the topic Cannot create a blog article.

    September 10 at 6:01 pm

    You should have create permission for your user group in Joomla articles component. Go to Content -> Articles -> Options -> Permission Settings.

    8 years ago

  • Pinto Buck created new topic Cannot create a blog article.

    September 10 at 3:46 pm

    Using Joomla 3.62 and CJblog 2.0.0.b1. From the front end, in CJblog dashboard click on Create a Article and nothing happens. It just shows the dashboard again. From the front end, click on CJblog Article Form, and a logged in user gets "403 You are not authorized to view this resouce."

    8 years ago

  • yorai ronen said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic send iformation to google-tag-manger's Data-Layer.

    September 10 at 3:08 pm

    Looks interesting. Checking out how GTM works.

    8 years ago

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