yorai ronen liked a reply to the topic send iformation to google-tag-manger's Data-Layer.
September 10 at 3:08 pm
Maverick replied to the topic send iformation to google-tag-manger's Data-Layer.
September 10 at 7:46 am
Looks interesting. Checking out how GTM works. -
Maverick replied to the topic Must install CJLib before CJBlog in Joomla 3.6.
September 10 at 7:43 am
The issue is not with CjLib rather the CjBlog installer. To allow updating the component with same package we use Joomla updater method in installer xml file. However this is not calling init scripts when installing the component first time. So when you installed the component second time the update script is called and created all tables. I am checking how to overcome this problem. -
yorai ronen replied to the topic [solved] redirect after survey submission not working.
September 9 at 11:27 pm
thank you maverick, i disabled 'show report' and that fixed the issue. by the way - the reason i need to redirect the users is so i can load a Facebook Conversion Pixel on the tnak you page, so i can promote the survey page on facebook - and optimise based on users who reach the thank-you-page. however this prevent the user from seing his/hers answers after submitting - which is a very nice feature. maybe this 2 featrues can be used together by adding something to the url after submiting, so after submission the url will look like: anyway thank you yorai -
Pinto Buck created new topic Must install CJLib before CJBlog in Joomla 3.6.
September 9 at 11:12 pm
This is for info. I'm using Joomla 3.62. I installed pkg_cjblog_v2.0.0.b1 first. Then I installed pkg_cjlib_v2.4.8. The packages installed, but when I tried to use the component or use the blog from the front end, all I got were Error 500 codes about files not found. I check the mysql database, and the only cj table there was for cjlib and no tables for cjblog. So, I reinstalled pkg_cjblog, and now everything seems to be working ok so far. -
yorai ronen created new topic send iformation to google-tag-manger's Data-Layer.
September 9 at 10:58 pm
hi maverick, i've been using alot of your extensions lately, so i have alot of ieas :) i want to suggest a feature for all CoreJoomla components, not jsut Community Quiz. i wish the components could send custom data into the Goolge-Tag-Manager's Data-Layer, which can then be used with GTM to create Google-Analytics-Events. i will explain how i already use it and what i think can be achieved by core-implementation, and will try to give as many clear examples as i can. i'm sure this is plenty of work, but i think it's will be highly valuble, as it will allow very deep understanding of user intractions with the components, combining wiht GTM and google analytics. intro i'm using alot of Google Analytics Events on my sites to measure the effect of different stuff on conversion rates. for exmaple, on Community Polls i use google-tag-manager to creat a custom variable named "poll title". then when a user vote on a poll, i send an event with the category "poll vote" and the action "{{poll title}}" (dinamiclly filled with the current poll title). but this have some problems - first it limits the things i can measure - for example i can create a variable with the poll title, but i can't create a different varible for each answer on the poll, or the amoung of answers in it (at least not with alot of custom coding). additinaly, this only works on pages where only 1 poll is shown. if there is more then 1, the variable is filled with the title of the first poll in the page. so following this example, currently i have custom variables for "poll title", "poll description" and "current votes number". so for exmaple, for the event's category i will always enter "poll vote", the event's action will be dinamiclly filled with {{poll title}} - and for the event's label i will use GTM to check if it has a certein word/s in it (like a call-to-action), and send a "yes" or "no" value in the event's lable. so this way i can the effect of using a call-to-action in the poll's description on the overall voting-conversion rate. this example is relatively easy, and can be set manually. but i beleive that by core-implementation, it's possible to achieve so much more then that. core-joomla components can fire varsitile and valuble information into the data-layer, which can then be used in almose endless ways. this can amount to alot of informatino, but if the site's admin can choose which data the component should set in the data-layer, it will be muach easier to handle. i will give some example from the components i currently work with: community polls example for data that can be sent - poll title - poll description (content string) - poll description (exist / don't exist) - poll author (name string) - poll author (shown / not shown) - poll category (name string) - poll category (shown / not shown) - votes number (number) - answers number (number) - answers text (different text-string for each answer - for example 'answer01 : string' 'answer02 : string', etc. - placement / view (module / content plugin / poll page / category page) - tags (number) - tags (shown / not shown) - polls number (in lists views) - information for each poll in the list view (votes number / author / category / etc) some very cool stuff we can check with the this information - effect of different words (like call-to-actions or subjects) in the poll's title, description and / or answers. - effect of amount of answers in poll. - effect of showing / not showing category or author. - effect of poll's title / description length. - effect of amount of polls in the list (on how many users click a poll's title). - effect of votes number on the user choice which poll to click in a list - and much much more.... CJ forum example for data that can be sent - post title - post author - replies number - names of user/s in conversion (in 1 text string: yorai,maverick,dan - or each in a different variable) - text of post - text of all replies (each in a different vatible like 'reply01 : text' 'replay02 : text' etc - work cound of post (number) - category / tags / author (text string/s) - category / tags / author (shown / not shown) - information for the post and all replies (likes / dislikes number, word count, author, etc...) - information for all posts in category (content / authors / replies number / etc) - points-message shown to user (shown) - points-message shown to user (numer of points) - points-message shown to user (action that generated the points rewared) - posts number in category some very cool stuff we can check with the this information - the effect of certeing user participating in conversation, on other users to join as well (and overall conversion rate of engegament with the tread. - the effect of replies nubmer - the effect of post length - the effect of number of likes / dislikes - the effect of points being rewared to the user, on the further engagement of the user with the site (for example, will user who get 10 points stay longer then users who get only 1?) - the effect of some words existing or not in a post's title, on the amounts of clicks in a posts-list i can go on and on... but i belive by now you get my point. i hope you will consider adding this feature or some of it, to all or some of your components :) what i love about them is that they allow me to easily create very engageging sites, and add very customised social features. this can be completed by a set of data in the data-layer, which will be used by each web-master to learn what truly drives the users-angagement on the site. if this is something that you wuold consider, i would be happy to built a more detailed mokup of information that i think will be usefull, and example of ways it can be used in different components. thanks for taking the time to read all this yorai -
yorai ronen replied to the topic answering a survey does not create a "form-submission" event in GTM.
September 9 at 9:27 pm
thank you for the answer, the problem with this setup is that it will fire an event for each click on the 'finish' button. even when, for example, some mandatory question are not answered. in this case, the click will actually not submit the quiz form but show an error button for the user, and the user will fix his answer/s and click the button again - creating 2 events for the same quiz submission. so this will not let me measure the true-rate of quiz-responses on the site. i actually want to track both things - clicks on the finish button & form submission - so i can check which quizes have a high margin between the 2 number - which can man the quiz is not built correctly or the qustions are not clear enough. i also tried placing some div.custom-class inside the 'thank you message' of the quiz - but google tag manager did not recognized that either. do you maybe have an idea why the quiz form submission is not recognized by GTM? or maybe there is another way to track only succesfull quiz submissions (besided redirecting all quizes to custom thank you page)? thank you yorai -
yorai ronen replied to the topic [solved] structuring SEF urls for polls .
September 9 at 9:17 pm
hi maverick, apperently i had missed-configured the shURL plugin of sh404SEF for community polls. also updated sh404SEF to latest version. no urls look great as expected. thanks yorai -
Maverick replied to the topic how can I create a quiz like this?.
September 9 at 4:50 pm
Did you mean show adsense code in the results page after scorewise message? You need to override the layout for this. components/com_communityquiz/layouts/default(or bootstrap3)/results/score.php See this: -
robert harcenco created new topic how can I create a quiz like this?.
September 9 at 11:25 am
Hello, I create a quiz with 5 questions, like this one: When I create this quiz i also fullfill the scorewise message like this: What I want is that atfer the user will press the Finish button, to create an adsense code before results, and right atfer to receive the answer acording to his marks, that one that I fullfill in scorewise message. Do you think is it possible to have such a quiz? Thank you. -
Graziano liked a reply to the topic No maps on HTTPS.
September 9 at 10:12 am
Graziano liked a reply to the topic No maps on HTTPS.
September 9 at 10:12 am
Maverick replied to the topic QUIZ Leaderboard.
September 9 at 6:12 am
This module is already developed, it will be available in next release. -
Maverick replied to the topic 403 error while editing quiz.
September 7 at 5:27 pm
Can you please send me your website and admin/user details using contact us form so that I can try? -
Mentorware replied to the topic 403 error while editing quiz.
September 7 at 9:06 am
Hello Mavrick, Please reffer the screenshot attached. Actual Issue:In our system we have two types of users,Superuser and Registered user.Registered users have all the privileges.(Ref.Screenshot) Scenario:Registered users is unable to edit the quiz created by Super User.We are getting 403 error. -
Maverick replied to the topic redirect after survey submission not working.
September 7 at 5:38 am
Make sure Show Report option is disabled for your survey. The redirect will happen on browser side using replace url method. Please check if there are any errors on console. -
Maverick replied to the topic answering a survey does not create a "form-submission" event in GTM.
September 7 at 5:31 am
May be you need to monitor the finish button (which has class name btn-finish) not the survey url. -
yorai ronen created new topic redirect after survey submission not working.
September 7 at 2:21 am
hello maverick, after completing the survey i want to redirect the users to a different page on my site. i entered the URL of that page in the field 'Redirect URL' in the survey edit page - bot with and without HTTP://. but the redirect is not working - users are still shown the thank you message instead of being redirected. is there maybe something that i could be doing wrong? i check all configuration but couldn't find anything related. thank you yorai -
yorai ronen created new topic answering a survey does not create a "form-submission" event in GTM.
September 7 at 12:05 am
hello maverick, i'm trying to measure the survey's page "conversion rate" - meaning how much users who reach the page actually go on to fill and submit an answer. also so i can promote the survey on advertising channels and check my price-per-survey-answer. i user google-tag-manager and tried to fire a google-analytics event each time there is a response to the survey. the problem is the answering the survey does not fire a "form submission" event in the google tag manager data-layer. this event is fired by all forms on the site and this is the first time i saw an excepetion, maybe due to ajax-submission or someting else. i need to use the form-submission event so i can measure only successfull survey-answers, and not just clicks on the "answer survey" button. do you maybe have an idea how to achive this, or modify so code in CS so it will fire the form-submission event? thank you yorai