piranhapete created new topic Quiz/Chat conflict.
March 3 at 6:12 pm
There seems to be a conflict between our chat extension and community quiz..when you take a quiz now, it continually flashes "please wait"..thoughts? -
piranhapete replied to the topic False Scorewise Message.
March 3 at 6:09 pm
OK, makes sense now..thanks! -
alcubacub created new topic "geoip" subfolder on cjlib has a huge file size.
March 3 at 7:41 am
Hi, I noticed that the folder /media/cjlib/geoip/ as a huge file size. What are those files and can I delete them? -
replied to the topic TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans.
March 3 at 2:15 am
Yes. Please send me website and admin user details using contact us form. -
replied to the topic Import Wordpress posts.
March 3 at 2:14 am
There are few third party WP to Joomla migrators available. Just google it. CjBlog uses Joomla article system, so if you can migrate to Joomla you are all set. -
replied to the topic Random poll poll_type is not defined.
March 3 at 2:12 am
Can you please update it to v4.5.2 or replace the js file from new package? -
dmarin replied to the topic Community Surveys - Internal Server Error ?.
March 3 at 1:34 am
Yes, I found the problematic Content Plugin that was causing the problem! It was AddThis Sharing Buttons... so now that it is disabled, the Survey form works perfectly!... -
selfrefind replied to the topic Random poll poll_type is not defined.
March 2 at 9:15 pm
Version is 4.5.1, I've cleared browser cache. It's happening on multiple computers (at least 15 people have reported it). -
trogladyte created new topic Import Wordpress posts.
March 2 at 7:53 pm
Is there a migrator to do this? I have a site with nearly 600 posts - don't really want to deal with this by hand. :-) -
expertforce replied to the topic TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans.
March 2 at 5:21 pm
Sorry. I cannot find any plugin which might cause this conflict. Do you mind to check this in the backend? -
maverick replied to the topic TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans.
March 2 at 4:31 pm
expertforce wrote:Hello Maverick, I have the same problem: Latest version of CJlib installed Latest... -
maverick replied to the topic Quiz Questions Order.
March 2 at 4:26 pm
It does. Just create only one question per page. Create as many pages as you want. -
maverick replied to the topic False Scorewise Message.
March 2 at 4:25 pm
How much marks you set for each answer of the questions? For example a checkbox question will get 3 marks if 3 answers has 1 mark each. -
maverick replied to the topic Front-end display of users who voted.
March 2 at 4:24 pm
As of now it is global option, will add it as poll option in next release. However it can't be done for vote level. -
dmarin replied to the topic Community Surveys - Internal Server Error ?.
March 2 at 1:48 pm
Thank you for your help. I will follow your advice... -
expertforce replied to the topic TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans.
March 2 at 7:53 am
Hello Maverick, I have the same problem: Latest version of CJlib installed Latest version of Community Surveys... -
replied to the topic Community Surveys - Internal Server Error ?.
March 2 at 6:07 am
Please disable all content plugins and try to enable one by one. Now you can see which plugin causing the issue. -
dmarin created new topic Community Surveys - Internal Server Error ?.
March 1 at 11:37 pm
Hi Maverick! I wonder if you could possibly help me with one issue I am having with Coomunity Surveys even though my subscription ended a couple of weeks ago. You see,... -
piranhapete replied to the topic Quiz Questions Order.
March 1 at 5:53 pm
Ahhhh...and the standard quiz doesn't allow showing one question at a time...bummer.