piranhapete replied to the topic Timed Quizzes.
February 22 at 8:34 pm
I will let you know if we decide to use standard quizzes..right now we prefer category quizzes :) -
maverick replied to the topic Sharing Quiz.
February 22 at 8:33 pm
The necessary code can be found in layout file components/com_communityquiz/layouts/default(or bootstrap3)/quiz/intro.php. You can move it to the desired file/position. -
maverick replied to the topic Timed Quizzes.
February 22 at 8:30 pm
Time limit available only for standard quizzes. The timer may have some JS or CSS conflict. Can you pls let me know the quiz url to check it? -
piranhapete created new topic Sharing Quiz.
February 22 at 8:19 pm
When the sharing options are turned on the share box is shown Above/Before the actual quiz. Is there a way to show it below/after the quiz? -
piranhapete created new topic Timed Quizzes.
February 22 at 8:18 pm
It seems like only "standard" quizzes allow a time limit? Is there a way to allow that for "category" quizzes? Also, when a standard quiz is chosen and a number... -
maverick replied to the topic Random poll poll_type is not defined.
February 21 at 7:33 am
What is the version of the component you are using? Did you tried clearing cache? -
selfrefind created new topic Random poll poll_type is not defined.
February 20 at 9:22 pm
Random poll breaks our drop down menu (it only happens on a poll that you have voted for before). ncaught ReferenceError: poll_type is not defined ... -
piranhapete said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Final Report Layout.
February 20 at 7:41 pm
Layout file: components/com_communityquiz/layouts/default(or bootstrap3)/results/score.php -
maverick replied to the topic Final Report Layout.
February 20 at 7:06 pm
Layout file: components/com_communityquiz/layouts/default(or bootstrap3)/results/score.php -
maverick replied to the topic Missing file api.php error in CJBlog.
February 20 at 7:04 pm
H Amal, That correct code change, but you should not use that package. Please install only which includes the module also. -
piranhapete created new topic Final Report Layout.
February 20 at 5:42 pm
How can I edit the "Final Report" (attached)? I would like to be able to show just some of the information currently shown..otherwise, I would like to just show the... -
amsharma created new topic Missing file api.php error in CJBlog.
February 20 at 11:13 am
Hi, I just downloaded the CJLib - pkg_cjlib_v2.5.6, CJBlog - pkg_cjblog_v2.0.0, Community Tools - mod_cjblogcategories_v3.0.0. I installed CJLib, CJBlog & Mod... -
ilperiodiconews replied to the topic Hide total number votes from front-end.
February 19 at 9:55 am
Perfect! Many thanks! Problem solved! -
ilperiodiconews replied to the topic Hide total number votes from front-end.
February 19 at 9:55 am
Perfect! Many thanks! Problem solved! -
maverick replied to the topic Hide total number votes from front-end.
February 19 at 9:31 am
You can hide the text by editing the template file media/com_communitypolls/anywhere/templates/default/template.tpl The poll results are shown if: The... -
ilperiodiconews replied to the topic Hide total number votes from front-end.
February 19 at 9:12 am
Hi, this is not the random... -
maverick replied to the topic Save Button - how suppose to work.
February 18 at 4:11 pm
Go to Extensions -> Plugins -> Content - Community Surveys -> Disable "Show Save Button" option. -
alisernio replied to the topic Save Button - how suppose to work.
February 18 at 2:39 pm
Ok I went into my site and the SAVE button is not showing now on all 145 surveys. So you fixed it. Please let me know how and thank you. I have to make the same change on my... -
alisernio replied to the topic Save Button - how suppose to work.
February 18 at 2:34 pm
I checked the content plugin and it has SAVE button set to HIDE. So SAVE should not be showing up and it is. I sent you the info to my site via contact form -... -
maverick replied to the topic Hide total number votes from front-end.
February 18 at 7:53 am
The screenshot looks to be from random poll module, if yes you can disable it from module settings.