jlacaria created new topic Category Manager.
March 11 at 11:09 am
Under Category Manager: Edit An Topics Category, I can't get the Category Icon Class or the Category Row Class to work. How do I enable them? -
maverick replied to the topic Forum Rules Article.
March 11 at 9:46 am
Can you please post a screenshot of the issue? -
jlacaria created new topic Forum Rules Article.
March 11 at 8:56 am
When I go to the Shared Options tab and insert a Forum Rules Article, the display for my forum changes to just a bulleted list of items. How do I get the Forum Rules... -
replied to the topic customer feedback on 10,000 consultants.
March 10 at 10:42 am
You can use dropdown box at each level. For example:- City- Office- ConsultantDo you predefine all consultant names or users will enter name?... -
akasht replied to the topic customer feedback on 10,000 consultants.
March 10 at 8:00 am
Thanks for your reply. I’d like to clarify a little bit. Consultants will not take survey; pubic users... -
replied to the topic customer feedback on 10,000 consultants.
March 10 at 7:19 am
I am not sure how does Mosets tree help with your survey. However you certainly can take feedback from all your consultants. There are multiple ways.1. Create public... -
akasht created new topic customer feedback on 10,000 consultants.
March 10 at 4:42 am
Hi, I would like advice on how I could implement this with Community Surveys. -
catlowcommunications replied to the topic Responses link in Community Surveys backend opens the Survey Edit page.
March 9 at 6:08 pm
Thank you. BTW, my client likes this software. Thanks for your work. However, The ID number is not a link in the list of Responses, when I click on the Responses menu... -
MrProcess replied to the topic Annoying State 1...State 2 message appears on page load.
March 9 at 2:06 pm
Thanks! -
replied to the topic How to sticky a thread?.
March 9 at 1:33 pm
Make it as favorite. All favourite topics will be sticky in their categories. -
replied to the topic Annoying State 1...State 2 message appears on page load.
March 9 at 1:31 pm
You enabled debug mode in component options. Please disable it. -
MrProcess replied to the topic Annoying State 1...State 2 message appears on page load.
March 9 at 5:25 am's growing! -
ggaillet created new topic How to sticky a thread?.
March 9 at 2:53 am
Hi Mav! How can you sticky a thread in CJ Forum? I got some importants threads that I want to be shown at the top of the forum thread list all the time so they don't... -
replied to the topic Responses link in Community Surveys backend opens the Survey Edit page.
March 9 at 2:09 am
This is the known issue. You need to click on the id number of the response row instead of title. -
MrProcess created new topic Annoying State 1...State 2 message appears on page load.
March 9 at 2:09 am
Hi! Just published my first survey. It worked! However I've tried three different browsers (Chrome and Firefox on Windows 7, and ios Safari) and all three display an annoying... -
catlowcommunications created new topic Responses link in Community Surveys backend opens the Survey Edit page.
March 8 at 11:57 pm
I have the latest version of Community Surveys installed and running normally as far as I can tell. I have run test surveys, and I'm able to view a Consolidated Report.... -
maverick replied to the topic Puzzle Module.
March 8 at 6:46 pm
Set "Maximum Questions" option to 1 and enable "Allow Multiple Responses" option. Choose "Random Ordering" to "Questions Ordering" option. First option will allows... -
piranhapete replied to the topic Puzzle Module.
March 8 at 5:33 pm
Yes, It does 1 per page (as I set it) but when you complete a question it goes to another question in that quiz...I just want it to stop after the first question..then if they... -
maverick replied to the topic Puzzle Module.
March 8 at 5:24 pm
It works just like that. In your category quiz, set max questions per page option to 1. -
piranhapete replied to the topic Puzzle Module.
March 8 at 4:36 pm
That sort of works.. I would like just 1 question to show each time a page is accessed...the way you suggested will cycle through the whole quiz..I'm looking to show just a...