gglendinning created new topic Fatal error: Class 'CjLibLoader' not found.
March 27 at 10:18 pm
Hi. I have been trying to install this extension and the dependency today in Joomla 3.5.1. I initially installed by using the Upload Package File method, which... -
TNT713 replied to the topic Parse Error: unexpected && in related_topics.php.
March 27 at 5:39 pm
Maverick, Thanks for working with me to get my forum working. -
chanco created new topic Dsplay surveys form multiple categories.
March 27 at 8:49 am
Hi all, I created 3 categories of surveys. And this 3 categories contain surveys. In the module, I want to display the recent surveys published... -
replied to the topic Category Page Displays Wrong Questions.
March 27 at 2:59 am
Can you please send me your website details using contact form? -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Marking a Question Featured - Fatal Error.
March 26 at 9:23 pm
Thanks. This worked. -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Category Page Displays Wrong Questions.
March 26 at 9:19 pm
No, I have not made any modifications. I am using Joomla 3.6.5, and the template (protostar - Default). -
maverick replied to the topic Marking a Question Featured - Fatal Error.
March 26 at 3:34 pm
This looks to be bug. Will be fixed in next release. Change the line 65 in... -
maverick replied to the topic Category Page Displays Wrong Questions.
March 26 at 3:29 pm
Do you have any code modifications? -
bilal.abdeen created new topic Marking a Question Featured - Fatal Error.
March 26 at 10:53 am
When I tried to make a Question as "featured", I got the following error. Please,... -
bilal.abdeen created new topic Category Page Displays Wrong Questions.
March 26 at 10:47 am
When I click on any Category, I do NOT get the questions for that Category. Instead, I get a page, which has a list of the featured... -
maverick replied to the topic Multi Categories for a Question.
March 26 at 3:40 am
Joomla categories system is not designed in such way. You need to use tags for this purpose. -
maverick replied to the topic On click "ask question" redirect to login page.
March 26 at 3:39 am
Yes, you need to enable view answers permission. -
bilal.abdeen created new topic Multi Categories for a Question.
March 26 at 3:02 am
It would be great if I can assign a Question to multiple Categories, e.g. a Question is related to "Insurance" and "Cars". -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic On click "ask question" redirect to login page.
March 26 at 2:53 am
Thanks. Is it possible to allow the Public to view Answers as well? -
maverick replied to the topic Parse Error: unexpected && in related_topics.php.
March 25 at 6:50 am
1. Could you please send me the file -
TNT713 replied to the topic Parse Error: unexpected && in related_topics.php.
March 25 at 6:36 am
Thanks for the quick response. 1) I haven't done any template overrides yet, but I have made a few edits that worked until last night. I uninstalled... -
maverick replied to the topic On click "ask question" redirect to login page.
March 25 at 6:34 am
Go to Components -> Community Answers -> Click on Options button on toolbar -> Go to Permission Settings tab -> Allow " -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic On click "ask question" redirect to login page.
March 25 at 5:02 am
I get the same error when I click on any of the questions before logging in. I would like to know, please, the following. 1. How can I fix it (by making the user... -
maverick replied to the topic Parse Error: unexpected && in related_topics.php.
March 25 at 4:58 am
1. Looks like your template override has syntax errors. The line don't show any possible error. Can you delete this file and replace with original file from component layouts... -
bilal.abdeen added the topic to his favorites: On click "ask question" redirect to login page.
March 25 at 3:01 am
Hi. How can i set if user want create question and click on "ask question" he must redirect to login page?