replied to the topic Can someone please explain how to modify the CSS in order to make it match the website?.
March 31 at 5:37 pm
Could you please let me know which documentation you are referring to so that I can update it? -
replied to the topic Where do I remove these items.
March 31 at 5:36 pm
You can hide them from component options. Go to Components-> Community Surveys and click on options button on toolbar. Disable toolbar and sharing options. -
eventcloud created new topic Can someone please explain how to modify the CSS in order to make it match the website?.
March 31 at 2:11 pm
The documentation is outdated and unclear. -
mbrando replied to the topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
March 31 at 1:14 pm
Hello, I tried that and mine still does now work. - Mike -
eventcloud created new topic Where do I remove these items.
March 31 at 1:12 pm I want to remove the "Surveys - Discover" as well as the text below... -
eventcloud replied to the topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
March 31 at 1:03 pm
I found the problem for the permissions problem: For some reason, the permission is set to not allowed: -
eventcloud replied to the topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
March 31 at 12:57 pm
I have the same issue. I am not even able to link DIRECTLY to the survey, it keeps showing the category view. When you click on the survey, I get teh same message... -
mbrando replied to the topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
March 31 at 12:22 pm
Hello, Here a test URL of a survey. Both... -
maverick replied to the topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
March 31 at 2:14 am
The issue occurs in two cases: 1. There is no survey id present in your survey url2. User has no respond permission Please let me know survey url. -
mbrando created new topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
March 30 at 7:53 pm
Hello, I have a strange issue. I have created a survery. The general comunity survey -> Options -> Permissions for the group is set to respond to survey... -
piranhapete replied to the topic Community Quiz Freezing.
March 30 at 5:59 pm
That solved that problem but created new ones. 1) When you first enter the incorrect password - It says the password is incorrect (which is good) but when you then... -
brandnew replied to the topic "Please wait" not disappears and untranslated string.
March 30 at 4:57 pm
Hello maverick Thank You for fast answer. 1. Now works fine :) 2. No, in my file... -
maverick replied to the topic "Please wait" not disappears and untranslated string.
March 30 at 4:08 pm
1. This looks to be a bug. Try below code fix. Edit media/com_communitysurveys/js/cj.surveys.min.js and find below code at line... -
maverick replied to the topic Reputation/Activity Tabs on user profile redirect to homepage..
March 30 at 3:05 pm
Where can I see the issue? -
brandnew created new topic "Please wait" not disappears and untranslated string.
March 30 at 1:18 pm
Hi.I'm fresh user of Community Surveys.Everything works fine except two things:1. When surveys have some restrictions (cookie, IP,... -
independentCog created new topic Reputation/Activity Tabs on user profile redirect to homepage..
March 30 at 12:24 pm
On forum profile, the reputation and activity tabs redirect to the homepage. -
maverick replied to the topic Community Quiz Freezing.
March 30 at 2:03 am
This is a bug. Edit media/com_communityquiz/js/cj.quiz.min.js and find below code at line 726 $('.messages').html(data.message).show(); Add... -
odonel said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Allow only certain groups to vote on a poll.
March 30 at 1:57 am
If voter is a child group of registered group, do not deny permission of registered group. -> Set inherited for registered group (by default it is denied) -
maverick replied to the topic Allow only certain groups to vote on a poll.
March 30 at 1:47 am
If voter is a child group of registered group, do not deny permission of registered group. -> Set inherited for registered group (by default it is denied) -
odonel replied to the topic Allow only certain groups to vote on a poll.
March 30 at 1:29 am
This is not working for me. If you create a group call voter and allow that group to vote and block registered users. The user in voter cannot vote