maverick replied to the topic Questions Layout - Starts at Featured Questions.
April 5 at 3:44 am
I am still developing it. I will let you know once done. -
maverick replied to the topic Some Pages do NOT Respect Menu Assignments.
April 5 at 3:44 am
You need not create menu for each category, create it only for TOP LEVEL category. I created them on your dev site manually. -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Auto-subscriibe to categories.
April 5 at 3:30 am
Thanks for clarifying where category-subscription is. Regarding the Global subscription, is it only available as an option at the... -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Questions Layout - Starts at Featured Questions.
April 5 at 3:27 am
Thanks. When are you planning to publish a new release? -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Some Pages do NOT Respect Menu Assignments.
April 5 at 3:21 am
Interesting. So, I have to create a menu item for each category, and these menu items can be a menu, which is not assigned to any module! Thanks... Is there an... -
maverick replied to the topic Questions Layout - Starts at Featured Questions.
April 5 at 3:18 am
Yes, you are correct, it is model file. Sorry for wrong filename. For now you should stick to model file. I am adding configurable option to choose default listing for... -
maverick replied to the topic Auto-subscriibe to categories.
April 5 at 3:17 am
Global subscription is optional. Users can subscribe any desired category or questions themselves. When you go to any category page, you should see subscribe link on the right... -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Auto-subscriibe to categories.
April 5 at 3:09 am
1. Is it possible for users to be able to subscribe/unsubscribe themselves from Global Subscription to all new questions and... -
maverick replied to the topic Some Pages do NOT Respect Menu Assignments.
April 5 at 3:04 am
Please check now, I created menu items as required and the home introduction module is displayed only on the desired page. -
maverick replied to the topic Some Pages do NOT Respect Menu Assignments.
April 5 at 2:43 am
Please see in above list you can see: Single Question, Category, Questions Layout menu... -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Questions Layout - Starts at Featured Questions.
April 5 at 1:50 am
The file you mentioned (components/com_communityanswers/views/questions/view.html.php) does NOT have the line of code, which you referred to. I found that... -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Corrupted User Subscriptions Menu Item.
April 5 at 1:30 am
Thanks. It worked. -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Some Pages do NOT Respect Menu Assignments.
April 5 at 1:23 am
First, I would like to make sure I understand your terminology. I suppose you mean the following. -
mbrando replied to the topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
April 4 at 6:06 pm
Thank you. It is now working as expected. Thanks, Mike -
maverick replied to the topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
April 4 at 5:15 pm
You can find global survey url on invite page. Go to your survey listing page on backend... -
leoophetwerk replied to the topic jQuery slider in survey.
April 4 at 3:10 pm
Hi, I fixed it by reloading the jQuery-ui.js :D -
mbrando replied to the topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
April 4 at 12:38 pm
Hello, This is very strange. So I was running 4.3.5 and set private to NO and tried to access the survey. It did not work. So I put back... -
maverick replied to the topic Some Pages do NOT Respect Menu Assignments.
April 4 at 2:50 am
In Joomla every page requires menu item. So the question pages uses the menu item in the following order whichever is available first. -> Single Question Menu... -
replied to the topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
April 4 at 2:03 am
If you ar are using private survey option, you must access the survey using unique urls which you can find them oon invite page of the survey.If it is public survey,... -
mbrando replied to the topic Permission issue, not allowed to respond.
April 3 at 8:38 pm
It is set to private so it does not get listed in the category listings. It is not meant for general use.