JohanPoolman created new topic Internet Explorer 9.
November 22 at 7:26 am
Hi Maverick, Using the latest version of Community Surveys. One of my clients still run Internet Explorer 9. When they load the survey, the introduction screen loads... -
yorai85 replied to the topic Can i stop Cjlib from loading the Font Awesome file?.
November 22 at 2:35 am
Thank you, that's working. yorai -
yorai85 said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Quizzes List - Choose Number of Quizzes & Module Positions.
November 22 at 1:02 am
The requests look good to me. I am evaluating the feasibility of them. Will let you know. -
maverick replied to the topic Avatars from Social Login.
November 21 at 6:38 pm
It depends on the avatar component you are using. Community Answers do not have its own avatars, it can display avatars from selected avatar component or gravatar. -
maverick replied to the topic Quizzes List - Choose Number of Quizzes & Module Positions.
November 21 at 6:36 pm
The requests look good to me. I am evaluating the feasibility of them. Will let you know. -
Tobol created new topic Avatars from Social Login.
November 21 at 1:59 pm
How can I make Avatars get from Social Login? Or tell me what file you can do it. -
Tobol liked a reply to the topic Two questions.
November 21 at 1:52 pm
Tobol liked a reply to the topic Two questions.
November 21 at 1:52 pm
Tobol said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Two questions.
November 21 at 1:52 pm
1. How can I make questions and answers appear only after moderation? -
maverick replied to the topic Can i stop Cjlib from loading the Font Awesome file?.
November 21 at 10:52 am
I such case, it is better to comment out in cjlib component so that you need not maintain all such files. components/com_cjlib/framework/functions.php line... -
yorai85 created new topic Quizzes List - Choose Number of Quizzes & Module Positions.
November 21 at 7:57 am
Hello Maverick, on our quiz-based website, the pages which show lists of quizzes are the most viewed pages. i want to ask for 2 more options to control the layout of... -
yorai85 replied to the topic Can i stop Cjlib from loading the Font Awesome file?.
November 21 at 7:18 am
Thank you Maverick, i did as you suggested, but the file is still loaded. i also have ChForum & Community Answers installed on the site, so i found the... -
yorai85 liked a reply to the topic Can i stop Cjlib from loading the Font Awesome file?.
November 21 at 7:04 am
maverick replied to the topic Can i stop Cjlib from loading the Font Awesome file?.
November 21 at 6:37 am
You can stop loading it by commenting out below code in components/com_communityquiz/controller.php CJFunctions::load_jquery(array('libs'=>array('fontawesome'),... -
yorai85 created new topic Can i stop Cjlib from loading the Font Awesome file?.
November 21 at 5:50 am
Hello Maverick, i see that the Cjlib component is loading a Font Awesome file: /media/com_cjlib/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0 Font... -
replied to the topic After update no more tracks and data visible.
November 21 at 5:39 am
Can you please check if the system cache or page cache plugin is enabled? -
Virtupro replied to the topic After update no more tracks and data visible.
November 21 at 2:27 am
STILL THE Same problem after update to... -
briannourse replied to the topic Joomla 3.8.2 Community Polls not allowing me to save.
November 20 at 8:04 pm
Thank you for your quick reply, sorry i forgot to say. Im grateful. Ill get client toi pay thank you -
briannourse replied to the topic Joomla 3.8.2 Community Polls not allowing me to save.
November 20 at 8:01 pm
Will this sort it? I just paid for a different plugin and still getting problems. Client will pay fine if it sorts... -
eudes replied to the topic corejoomlaquiz / easysocial / stream actvity.
November 20 at 7:38 pm
BIG thx, it is solved !!