maverick replied to the topic How to get just finished survey response inside own Community Survey plugin?.
December 12 at 9:25 pm
The HTML content of the page will never be sent to the server, only the form variables will be sent. If you want the HTML content to be sent to server, the only way is to... -
maverick replied to the topic Surveys content plugin probably missed Joomla JS structure changes.
December 12 at 9:12 pm
Hello Brand New, thank you for reporting the bugs. These are known bugs after last release and are fixed in dev repo. The updated plugin will be available in next release. -
maverick replied to the topic Custom markers for categories.
December 12 at 8:14 pm
The feature is already developed and is under testing. If you want, I can provide you the update before its release. -
brandnew created new topic How to get just finished survey response inside own Community Survey plugin?.
December 12 at 8:10 pm
Hello maverick.I have to save successful completed survey response to another Joomla database.I tested own plugin creation -
andybon replied to the topic Cron Job producing a 'Duplicate Entry' error.
December 12 at 7:31 pm
Great. This thread is solved then. Many Thanks for your expertise and assistance! -
andybon said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Cron Job producing a 'Duplicate Entry' error.
December 12 at 7:30 pm
The warning message does not harm. It is checking for the already won challenges, since you do not have any it is not finding anything. But I will add a validation for... -
maverick replied to the topic Cron Job producing a 'Duplicate Entry' error.
December 12 at 7:28 pm
The warning message does not harm. It is checking for the already won challenges, since you do not have any it is not finding anything. But I will add a validation for... -
maverick replied to the topic Community Quizzes.
December 12 at 7:25 pm
It still needs loading all questions beforehand, but I think it is a good idea. I will add it to the next release. -
brandnew created new topic Surveys content plugin probably missed Joomla JS structure changes.
December 12 at 6:33 pm
Hello maverick I just tried to lunch survey from article (content) plugin. Unfortunately, "Please wait" gray box no -
asmeets replied to the topic Custom markers for categories.
December 12 at 5:43 pm
Hi Maverick, I am looking to do an update of my site. To make this process easier it would be helpfull if this feature was available. Do you have it planned... -
andybon replied to the topic Cron Job producing a 'Duplicate Entry' error.
December 12 at 3:41 pm
..but aside from that error message, I see it does now update the steps leaderboard.. so that's the good news! I'll just wait to hear from you to see if that... -
andybon replied to the topic Cron Job producing a 'Duplicate Entry' error.
December 12 at 3:03 pm
Thanks. I tried the file... and waited for my hourly cron but the steps didn't update.. so I entered the hourly cron URL direct into the browser to see if that would work.... -
andybon replied to the topic Should I be able to 'reply' to these forum posts?.
December 12 at 1:24 pm
Perfect. Yep that's working now! -
lmc replied to the topic Community Quizzes.
December 12 at 10:01 am
Hello, perhaps loading a page would it be possible to execute db queries on actual Quiz ID and Pages ID to return pages with:1 ALL answered questions2 NOT ALL... -
maverick replied to the topic Direct url for track?.
December 11 at 10:17 pm
Files are stored n media\gpstracks\files folder. you can give the path of the file to it directly. -
maverick replied to the topic Cron Job producing a 'Duplicate Entry' error.
December 11 at 10:15 pm
Looks like the inserted row already exists is not getting overwritten. I sent you a file to fix the issue, please update it and check. -
cludwig created new topic Direct url for track?.
December 11 at 10:12 pm
How do I form a link to the gpx track file? I'm posting the link on an external site and want them to be able to get it directly. Is there some way to form a url (passing in... -
maverick replied to the topic Should I be able to 'reply' to these forum posts?.
December 11 at 10:06 pm
I fixed the issue with replies, you should be able to add replies now. -
andybon created new topic Cron Job producing a 'Duplicate Entry' error.
December 11 at 9:57 pm
I'm trying to trouble-shoot why my fitbit steps are not auto-updating with the CronJob I have in place. When I run it manually (by just putting the cron URL in the... -
andybon created new topic Should I be able to 'reply' to these forum posts?.
December 11 at 9:31 pm
Thanks for your help on everything I've posted in the CjFit forum.. but I notice I'm blocked from 'replying' to your response to my posts. This makes it hard to...