brandnew liked a reply to the topic Error 404 when pre-moderated topic is posted (and few more things).
February 22 at 9:34 am
brandnew replied to the topic Error 404 when pre-moderated topic is posted (and few more things).
February 22 at 8:58 am
Hello maverick. Thank You for fast response and some solutions. 6. Maybe I should to explain, what I need to... -
webmaster.cyclo created new topic GPSTools : Wappoint name - Comments space.
February 22 at 6:43 am
Hi Maverick, When displaying WAYPOINT with a comment, no space are inserted between WP NAME and WP COMMENT. So, WP " Gymnase Coubertin" + comment :... -
maverick replied to the topic Error 404 when pre-moderated topic is posted (and few more things).
February 22 at 4:03 am
1. I am working on this to reproduce and fix. 2. The bug found in file components/com_cjforum/views/search/tmpl/default.php line 106 $categories =... -
brandnew created new topic Error 404 when pre-moderated topic is posted (and few more things).
February 21 at 9:18 pm
Hello maverick. I have few problems and questions related to Cj Forum. 1. When forum ACL for some group is set to "Create" and "Moderate topics"... -
Mariosgr replied to the topic Help needed with polls.
February 21 at 6:58 pm
Thank you i didnt see that sorry for the trouble -
maverick replied to the topic Help needed with polls.
February 21 at 5:33 pm
I just checked the value of Custom Answer option, it is "Enabled' but not "Stack Answers". -
Mariosgr replied to the topic Help needed with polls.
February 21 at 10:08 am
But it is already set to stack, this is the problem -
maverick replied to the topic Help needed with polls.
February 21 at 1:27 am
If you want custom answers added to the answers, please set Custom Answers options to "Stack Answers". -
lmc replied to the topic Passed/Failed Quiz email notification to CommunityQuizzesAdmins.
February 20 at 8:34 pm
Thank you, will wait anxiously! -
asmeets replied to the topic Custom markers for categories.
February 20 at 5:51 pm
Thanks, problem solved -
asmeets liked a reply to the topic Custom markers for categories.
February 20 at 5:51 pm
Mariosgr replied to the topic Help needed with polls.
February 20 at 5:36 pm
Yes ok i can see it in admin, but is not visible in the poll -
maverick replied to the topic structured data - aggregateRating.
February 20 at 4:54 pm
You can access them with $item->likes and $item->dislikes $item->rating is sum of them. -
maverick replied to the topic Help needed with polls.
February 20 at 4:49 pm
I voted on a poll with custom answer and it is registered successfully. Can you please let me know the steps to reproduce the issue? To hide the messages, edit or... -
chrislegallic replied to the topic Toolbar design and Color.
February 20 at 4:43 pm
thanks again I will try that -
maverick replied to the topic Email notification sent to all users.
February 20 at 4:41 pm
Notifications are sent to different users depending on the type of the notification. For example, new answer notification is sent to the question asker as well as those who... -
maverick replied to the topic Passed/Failed Quiz email notification to CommunityQuizzesAdmins.
February 20 at 4:38 pm
I will add support for {MARKS} tag in next release, -
maverick replied to the topic Custom markers for categories.
February 20 at 4:33 pm
Can you please check if GPS Tools content plugin is enabled? -
yorai85 replied to the topic structured data - aggregateRating.
February 20 at 1:17 pm
thank you, i need the total number of likes + dislikes. i think the code $item->rating is pulling the rating block, i just need the total number of...