maverick replied to the topic Community Quiz Global Config Not Taking Effect.
March 12 at 5:30 pm
So your menu option overriding your component option. Please set it to Use Global and your global option will work. -
maverick replied to the topic Quiz Module stuck on "Please Wait".
March 12 at 5:28 pm
It looks like the scripts were combined using your template's minifier option in wrong order. Can you please try to disable that option to combine and minify the scripts? -
maverick replied to the topic Is that possible posting a question without having an account?.
March 12 at 5:24 pm
Go to Community Surveys Options and disable "Publishing Options" option from Editing Layout tab. -
maverick replied to the topic Polls not working.
March 12 at 5:21 pm
Can you please send me your website and user details using contact us form to check the issue? -
garfry replied to the topic Community Quiz Global Config Not Taking Effect.
March 12 at 4:49 pm
Here is the image. Also, I should add this is on the "insert in article" plugin. I would assume that the global options should affect all quizes no matter how they are... -
adevscollc created new topic Calendar popup not displaying, Incorrect Signature field text, other minor issues.
March 12 at 4:40 pm
Hello, I have a few small issues I am having with the Community Surveys component that I am hoping can be fixed. 1. On the frontend for a survey, when clicking... -
garfry created new topic Quiz Module stuck on "Please Wait".
March 12 at 4:33 pm
The quiz module gets stuck on the "please wait" loading screen after you click "start quiz". I have PMed you the page where the problem is... -
garfry replied to the topic Community Quiz Editor Changes After Save.
March 12 at 4:30 pm
Understood. Thanks -
adevscollc replied to the topic Hide Discover Survey section.
March 12 at 3:27 pm
Yes I was just looking to completely hide the toolbar, so doing that in the survey options fixed my problem, thank you! -
Vin replied to the topic Is that possible posting a question without having an account?.
March 12 at 9:23 am
You're right, sorry! I'd like also to ask: I'd like to streamline and simplify the procedure by which an user post a question. In short: can we get rid of the... -
sgibbons created new topic Poll - Results button not opening the results .
March 12 at 6:05 am
Poll - Results button not opening the results . Joomla Version 3.8.1 Community Poll version . -
cludwig replied to the topic GPS Track Download Problem.
March 12 at 2:11 am
Thanks Maverick as always, I added the line of code to the php file and it solved the track download button problem. Cheers, Chris -
maverick replied to the topic GPS Track Download Problem.
March 12 at 1:50 am
This is caused by missing Joomla core library on your page. Edit plugins/content/gpstools/gpstools.php and find below... -
maverick replied to the topic Is that possible posting a question without having an account?.
March 12 at 1:28 am
You should see them at line 266. Please note that this file is in administrator folder. I hope you are using latest version. -
Vin replied to the topic Is that possible posting a question without having an account?.
March 11 at 5:34 pm
Thanks for replying. Well, there's no such lines in that file; are they in another one? Thank you. -
yorai85 replied to the topic some survey responses are not added to report.
March 11 at 10:30 am
i can't attache a file to the contact form so i'm attaching it here. thank you -
replied to the topic some survey responses are not added to report.
March 11 at 2:26 am
Can you please export data from the table xxx_survey_responses for that survey and send it to me? -
yorai85 replied to the topic some survey responses are not added to report.
March 11 at 1:27 am
thank you Maverick, but these responses ARE published. for example when i unpublish response 751 (seen in "file-4"), the total responses number changes from 14 to 13, and when... -
maverick replied to the topic Additional Mapping Layer Request.
March 10 at 12:21 pm
I am evaluating openstreat maps. Will update you on it. -
maverick replied to the topic GPS Track Download Problem.
March 10 at 7:10 am
The page needs login to download the file. Can you please send me login information using contact us form to check it?