BiLe replied to the topic security issue with categories.
March 17 at 11:20 am
I also noticed...when I am on main page forum, I can create a new topic with restricted user. this user is able to choose a disabled category as well as view all categories,... -
maverick replied to the topic Quiz Module stuck on "Please Wait".
March 16 at 2:22 am
This is a known issue and will be fixed in next release. -
maverick replied to the topic security issue with categories.
March 16 at 2:20 am
I need to double check the behavior. Is it possible to get access to your site and admin? -
maverick replied to the topic menu item topic form redirects to profile edit form.
March 16 at 2:19 am
After modifying it, you should see two different menu types when you edit your menu item (topic form and profile form). You should select the correct topic form menu item. -
dngtech replied to the topic Quiz Module stuck on "Please Wait".
March 15 at 9:27 pm
Thanks again. We were using the module. I have added both of the above lines to a similar location in the module and it has resolved the problem. Is... -
dngtech said thank you to Maverick M for his/her reply to the topic Quiz Module stuck on "Please Wait".
March 15 at 9:26 pm
I think you are using quizform module. if yes, similar code needs to be added in modules/mod_quizform/mod_quizform.php -
BiLe replied to the topic security issue with categories.
March 15 at 7:52 pm
- CAT1 -- CAT1a -- CAT1b - CAT2 -- CAT2a -- CAT2b With my ACL tree example: Let's say a user is... -
BiLe replied to the topic menu item topic form redirects to profile edit form.
March 15 at 7:37 pm
changed file and cleared cache (backend/frontend). created a new "topic form" menu item. table in databasee will still hold... -
maverick replied to the topic menu item topic form redirects to profile edit form.
March 15 at 5:40 pm
I found where the issue is. The language string used in the layout file is wrong. components/com_cjforum/views/profileform/tmpl/edit.xml <layout... -
maverick replied to the topic Add custom column or instruction.
March 15 at 5:35 pm
Unfortunately this is not possible at present. -
maverick replied to the topic security issue with categories.
March 15 at 5:17 pm
As we can see the permission is allowed and hence it is showing the category. You cannot show child categories when parent category is disallowed, this is by design and not a... -
maverick replied to the topic gender gay lesbian ??.
March 15 at 5:13 pm
You need to edit the file components/com_cjforum/models/forms/profile.php -
maverick replied to the topic Quiz Module stuck on "Please Wait".
March 15 at 5:12 pm
I think you are using quizform module. if yes, similar code needs to be added in modules/mod_quizform/mod_quizform.php -
adevscollc replied to the topic Calendar popup not displaying, Incorrect Signature field text, other minor issues.
March 15 at 2:53 pm
Yes it is fixed now, thank you so much! -
retina replied to the topic Add custom column or instruction.
March 15 at 10:35 am
Thanks... it is done. -
retina liked a reply to the topic Add custom column or instruction.
March 15 at 10:34 am
BiLe replied to the topic security issue with categories.
March 15 at 6:59 am
Try to open attached image in new tab. Image should be high resolution.