replied to the topic Turn Off Page 1 .....
April 27 at 1:34 am
Its already added in the component so you dont need to add it in updates. -
replied to the topic Published survey buttons.
April 27 at 1:33 am
You can send me directly using contact us form. -
fiatlux replied to the topic Published survey buttons.
April 26 at 6:40 pm
You said not to post it online so maybe provide an email address or some secure way to send it to you. Do you use PGP? Thanks, Jason -
nphic replied to the topic Turn Off Page 1 .....
April 26 at 6:34 pm
Perfect! One last question. Is there any way to add this as a custom piece of code so that it does not get overwritten on an upgrade? Thanks, Joe -
maverick replied to the topic Turn Off Page 1 .....
April 26 at 6:16 pm
Add below code in components/com_communitysurveys/models/forms/survey.xml and it will be shown at survey level <field name="show_survey_page_title" type="list"... -
nphic replied to the topic Turn Off Page 1 .....
April 26 at 6:10 pm
Thanks! Is there anyway to turn it off at the survey level? I found the option at the component level, but not the survey level. Thanks, Joe -
maverick replied to the topic JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Specified key was too long.
April 26 at 6:10 pm
Can you please send me your website and admin user details using contact us form so that I will install it for you? -
doreymedia replied to the topic JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Specified key was too long.
April 26 at 5:43 pm
Thanks maverick. I successfully created the table with the correct prefix in phpmyadmin , but even though the extension manager shows the component as installed it... -
maverick replied to the topic Turn Off Page 1 .....
April 26 at 5:34 pm
Disable the option "Show Page Title" -
maverick replied to the topic JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Specified key was too long.
April 26 at 5:31 pm
Workaround is to manually create the table and install the package. Execute below sql using your database client such as phpMyAdmin. Replace xxx with your table... -
maverick replied to the topic Published survey buttons.
April 26 at 5:26 pm
I am sorry but I could not locate the login details. Can you please send me again? -
maverick replied to the topic Net Promoter Score LABEL.
April 26 at 5:23 pm
This issue was fixed in latest release. What is the version you are using? -
nphic created new topic Turn Off Page 1 .....
April 26 at 5:11 pm
Folks, I have a one question quick survey I am doing and want to "turn off" the Page 1 on the survey. You can see my survey here: -
doreymedia created new topic JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Specified key was too long.
April 26 at 4:59 pm
I'm getting an error when installing -
fiatlux replied to the topic Published survey buttons.
April 26 at 2:59 pm
The URL is: but access is restricted to super users so you will have to... -
syip131 replied to the topic Net Promoter Score LABEL.
April 26 at 2:01 pm
Hi Maverick, I found an issue here. The score entered for the Net promoter score is NOT output into the CSV file on the response download. Kindly... -
madjari replied to the topic Problems with Category Quizzes.
April 26 at 7:31 am
Thank you very much! This is excellent service quality and it makes your great extensions even better. -
iceferret replied to the topic Totally stuck with layout css.
April 26 at 7:27 am
Woohoo! Made a bit of a breakthrough this morning. Reverted the template to a version designed earlier and some of the problems have gone away. Work continues -
maverick replied to the topic Published survey buttons.
April 26 at 3:06 am
The buttons send response using ajax, means no page refresh happens but the response will be sent in the background. To debug the ajax responses, you need to use... -
maverick replied to the topic My Response Empty.
April 26 at 3:03 am
Can you please check in the backend responses page if the response is available?