asmeets created new topic Custom fields not showing on tracks.
April 29 at 3:16 pm
I have created some custom fields I want to show on my tracks en created one field group. All custom fields are linked to the field group, and to all categories so they are... -
iceferret replied to the topic help with mobile view.
April 29 at 7:14 am
That fixed it...brilliant, thanks -
iceferret said thank you to Maverick M for his/her reply to the topic help with mobile view.
April 29 at 7:13 am
Edit components/com_cjforum/layouts/bs3/toolbar.php and find <div class="navbar-collapse" id="cf-navbar-collapse"> change it... -
maverick replied to the topic challenge plugin.
April 28 at 5:05 pm
This is not something related to gpstools, rather needs an app for android/ios to do that. -
fguyon replied to the topic challenge plugin.
April 28 at 4:29 pm
the sample I show you in pictures is not what I offer but what I want to offer. Users should first login and select the track (in the available/existing tracks list)... -
maverick replied to the topic help with mobile view.
April 28 at 3:26 pm
Edit components/com_cjforum/layouts/bs3/toolbar.php and find <div class="navbar-collapse" id="cf-navbar-collapse"> change it... -
iceferret replied to the topic help with mobile view.
April 28 at 12:35 pm
bs3 and load bootstrap set to no in integration -
maverick replied to the topic help with mobile view.
April 28 at 11:59 am
Try to add below css override in your css file. # -
maverick replied to the topic challenge plugin.
April 28 at 8:26 am
So, you are offering trials to users and display their ranks by timings. How do you allow them to enter their timings? Is it manual way? -
iceferret created new topic help with mobile view.
April 28 at 8:16 am
All sorted, one last problem remains. In mobile view the 'my stuff' dropdown starts opened. Close it go to a topic etc and it's open on each new page. How can I start it... -
fguyon replied to the topic challenge plugin.
April 28 at 6:44 am
Don't be sorry, I'm responsible if I can't be clear enough Here are 2 pictures tracks is the list of the tracks (name, location, distance, elevation,... -
maverick replied to the topic Published survey buttons.
April 28 at 6:25 am
The issue is caused by one of your plugin or template. All javascripts are combined to single file and because of this the order is misplaced. Please disable javascript... -
maverick replied to the topic Chained Quiz with point sum..
April 28 at 6:19 am
I sent a reply to your mail. -
maverick replied to the topic challenge plugin.
April 28 at 6:16 am
I am sorry but I could not understand. Can you please explain with screenshots if possible? -
nuansadewangga created new topic Chained Quiz with point sum..
April 28 at 5:51 am
Dear maverick and team, i have question can you make customization like this.. -
fguyon created new topic challenge plugin.
April 27 at 4:03 pm
Hi What could be a great feature is a challenge based on existing on website kml files with ranking (scratch, by categories (elite, club, amator, beginner, master,... -
maverick replied to the topic Modify defaut value of slider in survey.
April 27 at 2:47 pm
Slider max value can be set in your question options itself. Customization can be done in the layout file components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/default(or... -
maverick replied to the topic Net Promoter Score LABEL.
April 27 at 2:43 pm
Can you please send me your website and admin user details using contact us form so that I can check the issue? -
YussefAziz created new topic Modify defaut value of slider in survey.
April 27 at 6:30 am
syip131 replied to the topic Net Promoter Score LABEL.
April 27 at 5:52 am
Hi Maverick, It is 4.6.6 Cheers/Stephen