maverick replied to the topic One Question Three Multi Line Answers.
November 25 at 8:42 am
You can't have 3 text boxes on the same page. You can have a text area or rich text editor question type and can ask users to input all 3 preferences. The other way is to... -
regional replied to the topic One Question Three Multi Line Answers.
November 25 at 7:24 am
Clarification There is ONE question I'm seeking a response of THREE answers to that question. not... asking THREE questions with answers on a single... -
maverick replied to the topic JCE Not showing.
November 25 at 4:53 am
Make sure you have no restrictions in your JCE profile for the user group. Also make sure at least one JCE user profile published. -
eyecandy1 created new topic JCE Not showing.
November 24 at 9:01 pm
I am trying to use jceas teh editor. But whne I select this from intergrations default---> jce. No editor appears If I leave it at default the default... -
eyecandy1 replied to the topic Start Topic button not showing.
November 24 at 8:49 pm
WORKED! Thanks a lot. -
replied to the topic Start Topic button not showing.
November 24 at 12:45 pm
No. Default Layout setting in integration settings. -
eyecandy1 replied to the topic Start Topic button not showing.
November 24 at 7:34 am
Thanks. Do you mean change it here. There is no option. -
maverick replied to the topic Start Topic button not showing.
November 24 at 5:14 am
May be hidden by css issue. Try changing the default layout option to bootstrap3. -
eyecandy1 created new topic Start Topic button not showing.
November 23 at 10:57 pm
Not sure if i missing something. the start a topic button is not showing on the front end. Its not showing for Registered user or Administrator Is this... -
maverick replied to the topic Voting and view results button.
November 23 at 2:28 am
The fix is common for all users. The permissions are not changed with this fix. Can you explain what do you see with other user credentials? -
88_LORD replied to the topic Voting and view results button.
November 22 at 11:55 pm
Greate, it works, now how can i have it for all users like they that already voted. Now, after voting you can only see the results. How can i have the same for... -
maverick replied to the topic Change message after voting.
November 21 at 2:58 am
The final result will be shown only if you allow view results permission and the results publishing date is not set or less than current date. So if you want to hide... -
DuncanK replied to the topic Change message after voting.
November 21 at 12:05 am
Hi. Sorry for the delay. I was hoping to see no voting options or results so the final result would be a surprise. Is this possible? -
rotec said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic CJForum Development ( J4 alpha ).
November 20 at 6:52 pm
Since Joomla itself uses zero dates, I don't think you can setup stable site without disabling that flag. If it is problematic with mysql8, then I would also suggest to wait... -
maverick replied to the topic One Question Three Multi Line Answers.
November 20 at 3:56 am
You don't need to have multiple pages. You can add all 3 questions on the same page.Or have I misunderstood you? -
maverick replied to the topic Voting and view results button.
November 20 at 3:52 am
There is a code error in your file cj.polls.min.js. You did not follow my instructions correctly and left part of the code I asked to remove. Line 651 and 652 should... -
maverick replied to the topic GPS track not displaying map in article.
November 20 at 3:45 am
There is no change in the content plugin. If the code is showing as is, that means your third party extension is not executing content plugins. Please check with its... -
regional created new topic One Question Three Multi Line Answers.
November 20 at 3:00 am
I have a single question for participants which I am asking for three responses, each in a separate multiline format on a single page. Given it is a single question I... -
88_LORD replied to the topic Voting and view results button.
November 19 at 9:55 pm
Hello, at poll and categories is already given and nothing chenges. BR -
maverick replied to the topic Voting and view results button.
November 19 at 3:44 pm
You need to give view results permission to the public user group.