maverick replied to the topic Images do not show.
December 3 at 3:32 pm
It may be some issue with the path of the folder JCE is mapping the images to. Can you let me know a sample post where I can see it? -
maverick replied to the topic Using QUOTE has an issue.
December 3 at 3:27 pm
Your editor might be stripping off all the html stuff. Go to Global Configuration and check text filters for the user group. Permalink is just a direct link to a... -
maverick said thank you to GILLES NEDELEC for his/her reply to the topic gpstools 5.0 : Invalid extension update error.
December 3 at 3:25 pm
Hi, I've been able to update from 5.0 to 5.0.1 using "update menu". So problem is solved... BR, Gil -
eyecandy1 created new topic Images do not show.
December 3 at 7:37 am
When I try to upload an image, it uploads to jce fine. and shows in the editor where text is. But once I save the post the image does not show. Any... -
eyecandy1 created new topic Using QUOTE has issue..
December 3 at 7:36 am
When I try and quote it looks like this from the editor. (sorry I posted in the wrong forum) -
eyecandy1 created new topic Using QUOTE has an issue.
December 3 at 7:34 am
When I try and quote it looks like this from the editor. -
eyecandy1 replied to the topic Icons disappear when rolled over.
December 3 at 7:30 am
Maverick wrote: That means you have duplicate jquery or bootstrap library loaded on your page. View source of your web page and see... -
webmaster.cyclo replied to the topic gpstools 5.0 : Invalid extension update error.
December 3 at 6:24 am
Hi, I've been able to update from 5.0 to 5.0.1 using "update menu". So problem is solved... BR, Gil -
DuncanK replied to the topic Change message after voting.
December 2 at 3:19 pm
Thank you. Will that be a feature of a future update? -
maverick replied to the topic Change message after voting.
December 2 at 2:22 pm
The message is already shown when the user already voted. But the form is also shown when the user does not have access to results. I will add an option to hide them. -
DuncanK replied to the topic Change message after voting.
December 2 at 9:23 am
Hi, It's not the results I'd like to hide at this stage as I have this hidden already. If a user has voted already and goes back into the vote, they see all... -
maverick liked a reply to the topic gpstools 5.0 : Invalid extension update error.
December 1 at 2:15 pm
maverick replied to the topic about Community Quiz's "Advacned Search".
December 1 at 2:14 pm
Thanks for the explanation. Found where the issue is. Please follow below steps. Edit components/com_communityquiz/views/search/tmpl/default.php and find below... -
maverick said thank you to yorai ronen for his/her reply to the topic [solved] "category description" is not showin although set to "show".
December 1 at 2:09 pm
hello maverick, i'm updating that this issue has been solved after updating the component to version 4.7.1 -
yorai85 replied to the topic about Community Quiz's "Advacned Search".
December 1 at 11:56 am
hi again, it seems that if i'm logged in to the site's fron-end as a super-admin, i can see all categories in the categories-box. but if i'm logged out or logged-in as... -
yorai85 replied to the topic "category description" is not showin although set to "show".
December 1 at 11:12 am
hello maverick, i'm updating that this issue has been solved after updating the component to version 4.7.1