maverick replied to the topic Notification PM gives 404 when clicking link after logging in.
November 26 at 5:19 pm
I couldn't reproduce the issue, at least on the demo site. Please note that most of the templates by default uses their own mechanism to redirect users to Joomla login... -
maverick replied to the topic Voting and view results button.
November 26 at 5:12 pm
Please follow below steps. 1. Edit modules/mod_randompoll/tmpl/default.php and find below code $show_vote_form =... -
jizkid created new topic Notification PM gives 404 when clicking link after logging in.
November 26 at 5:10 pm
Hi Maverick, When clicking on the link in the notification that a new personal message has arrived, it will first let you log in, but then it will give a 404 screen.... -
88_LORD replied to the topic Voting and view results button.
November 26 at 4:17 pm
Hello, For visitors it works. If you are loged in and the user dident voted jet it works. If you are loged in and you already voted you see only... -
dieformelek said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Error message - Reached the maximum allowed answers per day - as an admin.
November 26 at 1:40 pm
You have setup limits for all users. Instead you can setup limits only for new users.The limits can be configured in the component options. Go to components ->... -
dieformelek liked a reply to the topic Error message - Reached the maximum allowed answers per day - as an admin.
November 26 at 1:40 pm
replied to the topic PHP regular expression limit reached (pcre.backtrack_limit) .
November 26 at 12:36 pm
Can you let me know what exactly the issue is and what is the error that you see? -
replied to the topic Error message - Reached the maximum allowed answers per day - as an admin.
November 26 at 12:35 pm
You have setup limits for all users. Instead you can setup limits only for new users.The limits can be configured in the component options. Go to components ->... -
dieformelek created new topic Error message - Reached the maximum allowed answers per day - as an admin.
November 26 at 10:12 am
Hi. Today I got an error message when I try to answer a post as an administrator!I haven't answered any other posts or started any topics today... -
kristobal1969 replied to the topic PHP regular expression limit reached (pcre.backtrack_limit) .
November 26 at 10:05 am
the image does not seem to have been uploaded.I attach it again -
kristobal1969 created new topic PHP regular expression limit reached (pcre.backtrack_limit) .
November 26 at 10:03 am
Hello, I encounter a problem with one of the subjet that is not accessible.I changed php settings as I read that it was the solution, but it did not change... -
maverick replied to the topic Icons disappear when rolled over.
November 26 at 4:27 am
That means you have duplicate jquery or bootstrap library loaded on your page. View source of your web page and see which one is loaded twice and disable such plugin/module... -
maverick replied to the topic JCE Not showing.
November 26 at 4:25 am
maverick replied to the topic Community Survey error 500 in Consolidated Report PDF button.
November 26 at 4:24 am
pdf generation is resource hungry operation. Unfortunately, tcpdf is not improved over the last few years and the new version is in beta state for long time. I can't use... -
eyecandy1 created new topic Icons disappear when rolled over.
November 26 at 4:15 am
I Have a odd issue. When I roll over these Icons and then on roll out they disappear. I dont click just roll out I have made a... -
eyecandy1 replied to the topic JCE Not showing.
November 26 at 3:52 am
That Worked thanks. One other question. How do I make so the image upload only accesses the user acounts.So they cant see the images uploaded? -
regional said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic One Question Three Multi Line Answers.
November 25 at 8:40 pm
You can't have 3 text boxes on the same page. You can have a text area or rich text editor question type and can ask users to input all 3 preferences. The other way is to... -
regional liked a reply to the topic One Question Three Multi Line Answers.
November 25 at 8:40 pm
regional replied to the topic One Question Three Multi Line Answers.
November 25 at 8:40 pm
Thanks for the logic I'd missed ? That negates a number of other queries I had. Love your work -
amzen replied to the topic Community Survey error 500 in Consolidated Report PDF button.
November 25 at 8:22 pm
Hello,Maverick I come back because I get this error another time. Now, the Survey has 60 answers and there are two behavior of Community survey :1/ If I...