lacwebadmin said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Email Notification Aside from the survey creator.
April 5 at 7:26 pm
This feature was already added in v5.1.0. What is the version you are using? -
lacwebadmin replied to the topic Email Notification Aside from the survey creator.
April 5 at 6:18 pm
Aha! That's it, I am running v5.0.8. Strange! I don't see the update for it under Extensions: Update. -
maverick replied to the topic Email Notification Aside from the survey creator.
April 5 at 5:56 pm
This feature was already added in v5.1.0. What is the version you are using? -
lacwebadmin replied to the topic Email Notification Aside from the survey creator.
April 5 at 4:56 pm
Hi maverick, Yes, I read that part and I already set that but that settings assumes that Survey is done by a single group of people hence you only allows a group... -
maverick replied to the topic Map not showing in article.
April 5 at 4:38 pm
Yes, in components/com_gpstools/layouts/LAYOUTNAME/track/download.php -
maverick replied to the topic Email Notification Aside from the survey creator.
April 5 at 4:36 pm
I guess you did not read it completely. I am pasting it for your reference.... -
lacwebadmin replied to the topic Email Notification Aside from the survey creator.
April 5 at 4:12 pm
Hi Maverick, I don't get the instruction in the documentation and I don't see a place to enter name/emai id combination. And by the way, what is email id? Do you mean... -
asmeets replied to the topic Map not showing in article.
April 5 at 6:52 am
The issue of not showing the map seems to be resolved. Thanks for hte support. Last question regarding this issue: Is there an option to hide the values shown in the... -
maverick replied to the topic Email Notification Aside from the survey creator.
April 5 at 2:28 am
Please see: -
lacwebadmin created new topic Email Notification Aside from the survey creator.
April 4 at 7:51 pm
Hello! Is there a way to add an email address to be notified of survey response email notification? Currently, only the creator gets an email and super... -
maverick replied to the topic Show a custom message if a answer to question is Yes.
April 2 at 4:04 pm
Add page header type question with necessary information in its description and show that question using conditional rule. -
Earthwatch created new topic Show a custom message if a answer to question is Yes.
April 2 at 2:38 pm
HI, I would like to show a mssage under a question, only if the user selects yes to the question. I can add a field conditionally but can' t seem to see how I would... -
asmeets replied to the topic Map not showing in article.
April 2 at 5:49 am
Sent you the details in a seperate support request. -
maverick replied to the topic Map not showing in article.
April 2 at 2:32 am
That message again is from historic version of GPS Tools. Can you please send me your website admin user details? -
asmeets replied to the topic Map not showing in article.
April 1 at 7:46 pm
Deleted the .js and .cache files. A small change in behaviour. Mow a message is shown -
maverick replied to the topic Map not showing in article.
April 1 at 2:46 am
Those plugins are ok. What matter is the component version which is latest. So I guess the cache files are not being deleted or have wrong folder permissions. Delete... -
asmeets replied to the topic Map not showing in article.
March 31 at 6:12 pm
Hi Maverick, I attached a screenshot. Most of them are 5.01, and one strang that seems to be a double (gps content). One of them is is... -
Earthwatch said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Jquery issue not loading date picker or conditional fields.
March 30 at 1:31 pm
Can you please upgrade CjLib v2.8.7 and check if it solves the issue? -
Earthwatch replied to the topic Jquery issue not loading date picker or conditional fields.
March 30 at 1:31 pm
Perfect, that fixed the issue, thanks!