replied to the topic Add direction Arrow & distance marks avery 5,10 km.
May 10 at 2:29 am
Thanks for the clarification. I will check them. -
webmaster.cyclo replied to the topic Add direction Arrow & distance marks avery 5,10 km.
May 9 at 7:59 pm
Hi Maverick, I'm not sure, I can get such great viual feature, from any statistics table... 1/ VISUAL arrows are a nice direction indicator, if possible to... -
maverick replied to the topic Add direction Arrow & distance marks avery 5,10 km.
May 9 at 4:28 pm
Thank you for posting the features on suggest a feature page. The points that you mentioned are added using waypoints. Further the detailed statistics can be... -
replied to the topic Date Validation.
May 9 at 11:49 am
Please see below docs. You can set using predefined date such as 1970/01/02 -
webmaster.cyclo created new topic Add direction Arrow & distance marks avery 5,10 km.
May 9 at 9:25 am
Hi Maverick, I've wrote two request features, but not sure, that this "corejoomla" GPSTOOLS ("suggest an idea") menu is active, so I summarize them below : 1/... -
Earthwatch replied to the topic Date Validation.
May 9 at 7:47 am
Great, so now I have minimum and maximum date fields, what is the syntax for e.g. Today Today minus 1 day Thanks a lot. -
maverick replied to the topic Date Validation.
May 8 at 7:24 pm
This is a configurable option of calendar question type - added in v5.1.2 -
maverick replied to the topic Message "already taken..".
May 8 at 6:13 pm
Are you using private survey and accessing it using a unique url? or Did you enabled IP restriction and all your users are behind same firewall? -
maverick replied to the topic How can we manage comments from the administrator site?.
May 8 at 6:11 pm
Could you please update v5.0.6 and try? -
Earthwatch created new topic Date Validation.
May 8 at 12:47 pm
Hi, is there any way to add validation to a date field? I don't want users to select a date in the future. Thanks. - created new topic Message "already taken..".
May 7 at 9:53 am
Hi there, I got from a few people the feedback that they had the message "..already taken..." although they opened the link for the first time. After Browser Cache... -
Earthwatch replied to the topic Display the users completed surveys.
May 7 at 6:45 am
Hi, thanks but the only way I can get that to work is by switching on 'Access Administration Interface ' in permissions for registered users, but then this allows the user to... -
CCANSW replied to the topic How can we manage comments from the administrator site?.
May 7 at 3:02 am
No, we get a similar error on the front end. -
maverick replied to the topic How can we manage comments from the administrator site?.
May 7 at 2:55 am
This is a known issue and is being fixed. Meanwhile, you can edit the comments from front-end. -
CCANSW created new topic How can we manage answers from the administrator site?.
May 7 at 2:39 am
When we try to open an answer from the administrator component we get Error An... -
maverick replied to the topic Redirect after Quiz is completed.
May 3 at 6:35 pm
You can do it with javascript. media/com_communityquiz/js/cj.quiz.min.js find CjQuizApi.onAfterSaveResponse = function(action, button, form, data) -
maverick replied to the topic Display the users completed surveys.
May 3 at 6:32 pm
Use the below url: /your-surveys-menu?view=result&id=SURVEY_ID&rid=RESPONSE_ID -
Earthwatch created new topic Redirect after Quiz is completed.
May 3 at 2:06 pm
Hi, We would like to be able to redirect to a URL after a quiz is completed. How can we do this? Thanks paul. -
Earthwatch created new topic Display the users completed surveys.
May 3 at 11:14 am
Hi, we use both community quizzes and surveys. I have managed to figure out the link for a users to see their community quiz that has been completed as: -
Zovi said thank you to Maverick M for his/her reply to the topic Integration option in the CjForum.
May 1 at 3:55 am
Please see below documentation.