lacwebadmin created new topic Questions Field Title.
March 27 at 4:50 pm
Hello! In the backend while creating questions I noticed that the title of each field has a default value "Your question here...". Shouldn't... -
lacwebadmin created new topic How do I unselect a Radio button?.
March 27 at 4:41 pm
Hello! I have a single selection radio buttons with 3-5 answers and I also enabled custom answers. Works fine but what if I changed my mind and I don't want to select... -
maverick replied to the topic Net Promoter Score Ability to Change or Add a Label.
March 27 at 4:15 pm
Request you to post feature requests here: Meanwhile you can add language... -
lacwebadmin created new topic Net Promoter Score Ability to Change or Add a Label.
March 27 at 4:05 pm
Hello! Please consider adding an ability to be able to change or add NSP label "Not At All Likely" and "Extremely Likely" to a custom text like Disagree, Strongly... -
replied to the topic Error on page.
March 27 at 2:18 pm
That's expected because the url is malformed. -
johvel01 said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic export data.
March 27 at 1:34 pm
The problem could be because of too many rows that cannot be processed by your server. You need to increase your RAM and PHP max execution time parameter. Use the... -
johvel01 liked a reply to the topic export data.
March 27 at 1:34 pm
becart replied to the topic Error on page.
March 27 at 11:36 am
Thanks, This link is very strange and I did not create it. Google webmaster tools warned me about this error. When I made the modification, error... -
maverick replied to the topic export data.
March 27 at 4:29 am
Use the following SQL. This query cannot give exact result like all questions/answers of a single response in single line, but gives reasonably good results. i.e. each answer... -
regional replied to the topic Notices and Errors.
March 26 at 11:16 pm
Hmm upgraded and have the itemprop='text'error appearing again Will email you again -
johvel01 replied to the topic export data.
March 26 at 9:42 pm
I have a survey with more than 1600 applications, when trying to export the answers the following comes out after approximately two minutes: -
maverick replied to the topic export data.
March 26 at 4:29 pm
It's not a single query that gives entire output. -
maverick replied to the topic Error on page.
March 26 at 4:27 pm
That error looks odd, the code should never execute as the argument is false. Anyway, please follow below step and check if the issue is resolved. edit... -
johvel01 replied to the topic export data.
March 26 at 3:41 pm
Hello Is there a way to access the MySql script of this query? Thank you -
becart created new topic Error on page.
March 26 at 9:04 am
Is this error due to GPS Tools or is a Joomla error? 0 Argument 1 passed to Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper::sortObjects() must be of the type array, boolean given,... -
maverick replied to the topic Map not showing in article.
March 26 at 3:38 am
Can you clear the cache from backend tracks listing page and load the track page again? -
asmeets replied to the topic Map not showing in article.
March 25 at 6:20 pm
Hi Maverick, If you go to this url you can see the issue: -
maverick replied to the topic Community Quiz Abilities.
March 25 at 2:59 am
Please find below the answers. 1. You can randomize questions when using category quizzes. Category quizzes allows the user take unlimited number of questions...