maverick replied to the topic Image loading error.
April 9 at 8:27 pm
As discussed on email, the issue occurs when "System - SEF" plugin is disabled. That means, the relative URLs does not work properly when the SEF functionality is disabled.... -
maverick replied to the topic SQL Injection to put 0 to point reponses.
April 9 at 6:32 pm
There is no easy way to do that as this is a quiz level option and is stored in a json string in the table. The value along with all other options is stored as a json string... -
gpier replied to the topic Issues since last update.
April 9 at 1:39 pm
Thanks! It all works now. Great support! -
gpier said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Issues since last update.
April 9 at 1:39 pm
1. There are two bootstrap css files loaded on your site, one by your template one from Joomla. Did you enabled "Load Bootstrap CSS" option in the Community Surveys options?... -
maverick replied to the topic Issues since last update.
April 9 at 1:03 pm
1. There are two bootstrap css files loaded on your site, one by your template one from Joomla. Did you enabled "Load Bootstrap CSS" option in the Community Surveys options?... -
cocieri created new topic Image loading error.
April 9 at 11:25 am
The images in the question description are not loading correctly. I have recorded a video for you to see better: -
eudes created new topic SQL Injection to put 0 to point reponses.
April 9 at 10:27 am
hello, is it possible to have an sql injection to put 0 to Points/Response (Quiz > options advanced) because i want to use ALTUSERPOINT with community quiz and i have more... -
maverick replied to the topic Single question menu item.
April 9 at 8:56 am
Please do not use the single question menu item. It is there only for compatibility. -
gpier created new topic Issues since last update.
April 8 at 4:06 pm
I'm having issues since the last update. The option boxes are not standing in relation to the answers anymore, they don't stand next to each other, they're totally... -
Vin created new topic Single question menu item.
April 8 at 1:50 pm
Good morning, I am trying to get a single question menu item, there's must be something wrong, as you can see from the screenshot. How to correct those... -
drklewis replied to the topic Automatically adding newly registered Joomla users to discussion forum.
April 7 at 9:24 pm
That solves it! Sorry, I somehow missed enabling the plugin. Many thanks for your help :-) K -
replied to the topic Automatically adding newly registered Joomla users to discussion forum.
April 7 at 6:32 pm
Make sure User - CjForum plugin is enabled. The new users will not sync unless the user plugin is enabled. -
drklewis created new topic Automatically adding newly registered Joomla users to discussion forum.
April 7 at 6:04 pm
Hello I have recently installed CJForum and it is works with existing registered Joomla users (after pressing the sync button in the component users section) but it... -
maverick replied to the topic single vote in a poll.
April 7 at 3:36 am
As a regulation, you should not capture any user information when you are saying the poll is anonymous. If you still capture that information, it is not a fair practice. So... -
andreas.haf replied to the topic single vote in a poll.
April 6 at 5:47 pm
Dear Maverik, thank you for the answer. You got the point, that I want to restrict the users to submit one vote (Ballot) at a poll. I figuerd, when I want to... -
maverick replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 6 at 4:31 pm
The permission should be enabled for user groups whose questions should be moderated. Superusers are excluded from this permission as their questions are posted... -
Vin replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 6 at 6:28 am
maverick wrote: Go to Components -> Community Answers -> Click on Options button on toolbar and click Permissions... -
maverick replied to the topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 6 at 4:07 am
Go to Components -> Community Answers -> Click on Options button on toolbar and click Permissions tab. Enable "Moderate Questions" and "Moderate Answers"... -
maverick replied to the topic Private Polls - Notification sent .
April 6 at 4:04 am
Hello Andreas, the language translations are available under -
maverick replied to the topic single vote in a poll.
April 6 at 4:03 am
Presently you can set limits for restricting multiple votes at the component level. Poll level restrictions are available in the next release. If your users are not...