Vin created new topic Approval needed before publishing questions.
April 5 at 12:38 pm
Good morning, I am not sure that should go on the Suggest an Idea section, maybe there already is something like that and I can't find it. My question is:... -
andreas.haf created new topic Private Polls - Notification sent .
April 5 at 12:13 pm
Hello CP Team, do you have a cp translated into german language. If not, I could help you to translate it into German. Just send me a list of all descriptions... -
andreas.haf created new topic single vote in a poll.
April 5 at 12:08 pm
Dear Community Poll Team, I want to make certain polls single vote. First of all, I cannot find a... -
RoccaMarcello replied to the topic Problemi di visualizzazione.
April 4 at 8:14 am
Thanks. I solved my problem by following his directions. -
maverick replied to the topic Problemi di visualizzazione.
April 4 at 7:33 am
Public users cannot reply to topics even if you enable permissions, only registered users can do... -
RoccaMarcello replied to the topic Problemi di visualizzazione.
April 3 at 6:24 pm
Mi hanno segnalato le famiglie che n0onostante abbia impostato i permessi per postare come utenti registrati non possono ne creare nuovi topics ne postare in quelli già... -
rotec liked a reply to the topic A few issues I'm running into .
April 2 at 6:27 pm
rotec said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic My Answers link breaks if answer is not the first posted answer (bug).
April 2 at 3:12 pm
You are correct, there is unnecessary code which is adding this bug. components/com_communityanswers/layouts/LAYOUT/answers_list.php $item->slug ... -
rotec liked a reply to the topic My Answers link breaks if answer is not the first posted answer (bug).
April 2 at 3:12 pm
RoccaMarcello replied to the topic Problemi di visualizzazione.
April 2 at 2:41 pm
Ho risolto il problema apportando le modifiche segnalate per e-mail dal supporto Tecnico. Ora avrei bisogno di capire come permettere a tutti i visitatori visualizzare... -
maverick replied to the topic My Answers link breaks if answer is not the first posted answer (bug).
April 2 at 4:21 am
You are correct, there is unnecessary code which is adding this bug. components/com_communityanswers/layouts/LAYOUT/answers_list.php $item->slug ... -
maverick replied to the topic A few issues I'm running into .
April 2 at 4:13 am
Please add below css in your template css overrides. #cj-wrapper .replies .avatar {min-width: 20%;} -
holdsworthdesign replied to the topic A few issues I'm running into .
April 2 at 2:03 am
OK, thanks, that helped with the image quality, but I'm still getting inconsistent sizes in the avatar column. See the screenshot. Some are wider than others which looks... -
rotec created new topic My Answers link breaks if answer is not the first posted answer (bug).
April 1 at 11:42 pm
Testing CA... I notice that if a user posted an answer first, their link(s) in "My Answers" view ( ?view=myanswers) is invalid ( 404 - Question Not... -
jrueger replied to the topic Menu and New Install Questions.
April 1 at 9:37 pm
Just to close the loop for readers - after working with Maverick it turned out to be a case of "My Bad"! The actual issue was with the uBlock Origen plugin in Firefox -... -
maverick replied to the topic Question form menu item.
April 1 at 12:18 pm
That's possible from Joomla 4 where there is a new routing will be introduced. In current version, the underlying routing needs to forward to a task which will in turn... -
Vin created new topic Question form menu item.
April 1 at 10:09 am
Good morning, I have a "Question form" menu item by which users ask questions. However, you can see users can ask questions even from "Ask your question here"... -
Vin replied to the topic Translate "ask your question here".
April 1 at 9:53 am
Many thanks, I couldn't find it among the constant for a language override. Have a good day. -
Vin said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Translate "ask your question here".
April 1 at 9:52 am
In your language file translate the below string to desired text. COM_COMMUNITYANSWERS_ASK_QUESTION_PLACEHOLDER="Ask your question here.." -
jrueger replied to the topic Menu and New Install Questions.
April 1 at 4:37 am
In the end I did blow away the site and started over again with a fresh default install of Joomla. I am now installing each of the corejoomla extensions one at a time...