steveo replied to the topic Internet Explorer Causes Survey to Not Work.
June 17 at 4:39 pm
Hmm my auto-updater isn't showing it. I downloaded it and will see if I can get someone to try it out. Thanks! -
maverick replied to the topic join a group by url.
June 17 at 4:19 pm
What is the type of your mainmenu? -
maverick replied to the topic Internet Explorer Causes Survey to Not Work.
June 17 at 4:18 pm
I just released v5.4.5 with a workaround for IE11. Can you try that? -
steveo replied to the topic Internet Explorer Causes Survey to Not Work.
June 17 at 3:18 pm
IE Version 11.1282.17763.0 update 11.0.195 -
steveo replied to the topic Internet Explorer Causes Survey to Not Work.
June 17 at 3:11 pm
Good question - I have asked and will let you know! -
HdCms replied to the topic Groupe visibility.
June 17 at 9:58 am
HI Super ? put this will be overwritten on the next update!You will integrate it in the next update... -
HdCms replied to the topic join a group by url.
June 17 at 9:56 am
HI, AwesomeI must have a little problem of understanding because I have a menu "mainmenu" where there is a... -
maverick replied to the topic Show a message after completion.
June 17 at 4:50 am
What actually needs is a different feature from two extensions combined. At present, it is not possible. However, please post a feature request on -
dairo replied to the topic Show a message after completion.
June 17 at 4:32 am
ok, then, I will use Community Surveys for -
maverick replied to the topic join a group by url.
June 17 at 3:52 am
Use the following format. If you have groups menu item created: mysite/path/to/groups-menu-alias?id=GROUP_ID If you do not have menu... -
maverick replied to the topic Groupe visibility.
June 17 at 3:47 am
You are right, the item access checking is missing so it is always checking if it is registered user or not to give the permission. The fix for this bug is below. Edit... -
maverick replied to the topic Internet Explorer Causes Survey to Not Work.
June 17 at 3:37 am
What is the version of IE they are using? -
HdCms created new topic join a group by url.
June 16 at 7:21 pm
hello I will give access to associations. Each association has access to a dedicated Sociable group.How to... -
HdCms created new topic Groupe visibility.
June 16 at 7:20 pm
Hello1 / visibility of a sociable group by a membertestH1 is not part of the group which has access to... -
steveo created new topic Internet Explorer Causes Survey to Not Work.
June 16 at 6:49 pm
My clients who use Internet Explorer (I know, but their business makes them use it since some of their software doesn't work without it) can't get the survey here to... -
wtcdehellen replied to the topic Charts are not loaded in Google Maps using the content plugin.
June 16 at 4:35 pm
Hi Maverick, After installing gpstools v5.1.7 the problem is solved. Thanks for the super service. Kind... -
pat01 liked a reply to the topic Community Survey in Multi-Language.
June 16 at 12:52 pm
pat01 said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Community Survey in Multi-Language.
June 16 at 12:52 pm
Yes, the multi-language feature is built into Community Surveys now. -
maverick replied to the topic Show a message after completion.
June 16 at 2:53 am
Skip logic is not available in Community Quiz, it is available only in Community Surveys.