Melanie created new topic Multi-slider questions show zero responses on consolidated report and no export to excel option.
October 13 at 2:15 pm
Hi, I have latest version 5.5 and latest cjlib 3.0.10 For some reason the multi-slide option does not show the questions in the consolidate report for any... -
matej_polje created new topic Sourcerer plugin not working.
October 13 at 2:02 pm
Hi, Google Search Console is showing me Mobile Usability problem for GPS Tools links (viewport not set, links to close, text too small). Atleast partly I am trying to... -
adoucette replied to the topic Image loading error.
October 12 at 8:59 pm
I ended up changing the settings in the WYSIWYG editor to not user relative urls. (I use JCE editor) That seems to have fixed the problem for me. -
maverick replied to the topic Restrict access under menu "Discover".
October 12 at 2:57 pm
You need to override the layout file components/com_cjforum/layouts/YOURLAYOUT/toolbar.php You can check if user logged or not by using PHP code something like... -
paxxus created new topic Restrict access under menu "Discover".
October 12 at 12:45 pm
Hi Is it possible to restrict access for certain usergroups (i.e guest, members etc) under the forum menu "Discover"? I would like to restrict access for non... -
maverick replied to the topic Track time from plugin event.
October 12 at 5:00 am
The component does not know when you created the track because there is no standard place to find it. All it knows when you uploaded it. -
bwd replied to the topic Track time from plugin event.
October 12 at 3:52 am
Thanks, but it looks like that is the track submitted date and time and not the actual track start time...? If I upload a track today that was recorded Sept 25 14:00-15:00... -
bwd said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Track time from plugin event.
October 12 at 3:15 am
$track->created variable has the date and time. -
maverick replied to the topic Track time from plugin event.
October 12 at 2:56 am
$track->created variable has the date and time. -
bwd created new topic Track time from plugin event.
October 11 at 9:59 pm
Hi: I am using the plugin event "onTrackAfterSave" to get info from my database (wind speed etc) once the track is saved. Everything is working fine, but I need to get the... -
adoucette replied to the topic Pre-fill fields.
October 11 at 8:43 pm
Mav, It's hard to believe this hasn't come up previously as I can anticipate people frequently incorporate questions into their quizzes which may already be answered... -
maverick replied to the topic Pre-fill fields.
October 11 at 8:25 pm
There is no such feature available. If you think it would be a useful feature for all CQ users, please post a feature request on -
adoucette created new topic Pre-fill fields.
October 11 at 7:54 pm
Hello, How can I pre-fill answers in some fields with data from Joomla or Community Builder fields (if present)? For example, if I have a question: "What is... -
Yev liked a reply to the topic Osmap - Community Answers Plugin.
October 10 at 11:07 am
maverick replied to the topic Osmap - Community Answers Plugin.
October 10 at 6:45 am
I checked their documentation and there is not good enough one to create a plugin for CA. So I sent an email to their team to get the support. -
maverick replied to the topic and Community Answers.
October 10 at 6:35 am
I could not reproduce this issue. I guess you have some layout overrides in your template, please check and remove them. Here is the result of the demo site page. -
Yev replied to the topic Osmap - Community Answers Plugin.
October 10 at 6:25 am
Good afternoon. I wanted to know if work is underway on this... -
Vin replied to the topic and Community Answers.
October 8 at 8:14 pm
Good evening, any news? Thanks -
maverick replied to the topic Component fixes needed.
October 7 at 5:15 pm
These are already fixed, under testing. -
vasil replied to the topic Component fixes needed.
October 7 at 2:09 pm
How much time do you need? It's been 2 days...