Maverick replied to the topic bug user and Category language.
September 29 at 5:59 am
1- user part : once click at rebuild it will retrive... -
Ayman Sharara created new topic bug user and Category language.
September 29 at 2:55 am
Sir I have many Issue with community Polls 1- user part : once click at rebuild it will retrive user data again and again and again so I have same user repated many... -
James Dekle replied to the topic Does Not Update.
September 27 at 10:40 pm
Thanks Maverick, the cjupdate plugin was disabled, works fine now. I appreciate the quick reply. -
Alexi Korneyev created new topic Database warning?.
September 27 at 8:04 pm
Hi.When I save the question on joomla's backend some strange warning appears (despite on the fact that the saving was successfull). -
Maverick replied to the topic Js problems?.
September 27 at 4:47 pm
** Please always open new topic for separate issues. The issue is caused by conflicts with your template css. Just add below code in... -
Alexi Korneyev replied to the topic Js problems?.
September 27 at 10:10 am
And a new question... When I click to login string at the bottom of the page (for example:... -
Alexi Korneyev said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Problems with the translation.
September 27 at 9:14 am
Date strings can be found in administrator/languages/en-GB/en-GB.com_cjlib.sys.ini -
Maverick replied to the topic Modal Pop-Ups off page, Missing Social Links.
September 27 at 6:45 am
Can you please send me user details using contact us form so that I can try that? -
Maverick replied to the topic Problems with the translation.
September 27 at 6:44 am
Date strings can be found in administrator/languages/en-GB/en-GB.com_cjlib.sys.ini -
Jason Finn created new topic Modal Pop-Ups off page, Missing Social Links.
September 26 at 9:18 pm
When the page calls a modal pop-up, for example "start a bounty" on this page: -
Alexi Korneyev created new topic Can't translate one string.
September 26 at 8:50 pm
Hi.I'm trying to finish Russian translation of the frontend of CA, but there is one string which is persistently stays on English. For example "6 weeks ago"... -
Jason Finn replied to the topic CSS/Layout Messy on New Install.
September 26 at 7:25 pm
I have forgotten myself... It seems I've gone too long without building something of value! :-) Good reminders in your reply - I'm off and running. Thanks. -
Jason Finn said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic CSS/Layout Messy on New Install.
September 26 at 7:18 pm
In your first screenshot, you are showing community answers module. but what you are referring to is the component page which you shown in second screenshot. so both cannot be... -
Maverick replied to the topic Jomsocial activity stream.
September 26 at 6:37 pm
This looks like an issue from jomsocial side. The component will simply push what content to display but it will not push any data to display avatar. Did you asked JomSocial... -
Maverick replied to the topic Import from Joomla Quiz Deluxe.
September 26 at 6:31 pm
Please send me the table structure of the component, I will try to write an importer. -
Maverick replied to the topic Does Not Update.
September 26 at 6:30 pm
Can you please check the plugin "plg_installer_cjupdater" is enabled or not? -
Maverick replied to the topic CSS issues in menu.
September 26 at 6:28 pm
You are correct. Line 121 of components/com_communityanswers/layouts/default/category_list.php <small class="text-muted">(<?php echo... -
rama krishna created new topic Jomsocial activity stream.
September 26 at 1:53 pm
Hi when I post in CJAnswers or CJQuiz or CJForum and activated to post on jomsocial activity stream I see double avatar on my stream (as in attached picture). Could you please... -
Victor Auguto created new topic Import from Joomla Quiz Deluxe.
September 26 at 1:20 pm
I've been using for many years Joomla Quiz Deluxe, with over 5000 questions in my database, so i can't redo all this work (...), I wonder if there is a plugin to import...