Maverick replied to the topic Attachment not uploaded with success message.
October 2 at 7:38 pm
Please check the below parameters in your php.ini file. ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.upload_max_filesize = 20M; Must be greater than... -
Maverick replied to the topic Breaks on upgrade to v4.
October 2 at 7:32 pm
Can you please send me your website and admin details so that I can check it? -
daniel replied to the topic Breaks on upgrade to v4.
October 2 at 3:54 pm
Did that. Still something is not right. If I use the menu item GPS Tools Default Menu it gives me the error still whatever I do, If I then choose lets say category list and I... -
Maverick replied to the topic Breaks on upgrade to v4.
October 2 at 11:54 am
Please change your menu item to new menu items. -
daniel created new topic Breaks on upgrade to v4.
October 2 at 7:57 am
Hi there, I just upgraded to the latest version -
Maverick replied to the topic New version 4.0.0.b1.
October 1 at 9:14 am
It is stable in view of security issues. However there are still some small bugs which gets fixed in next release. If you are okay with such bugs you can use it rightaway. -
Trench created new topic New version 4.0.0.b1.
October 1 at 9:05 am
Hi Maverick, I wanted to know if the new version 4.0.0.b1 was stable and could install it, or was it better to wait for the stable version of the... -
platform hattinga replied to the topic Registered.
September 30 at 7:31 pm
Hello, I've missed the flag options in the questions email and name. I was looking for this option in the configuration area. Thanks... -
Maverick replied to the topic Modal Pop-Ups off page, Missing Social Links.
September 29 at 10:35 pm
Response for modal dialogs positioned at wrong place: The issue is caused by your template css. Please add below css in your template css... -
Jason Finn replied to the topic Modal Pop-Ups off page, Missing Social Links.
September 29 at 10:13 pm
Maverick wrote: When you install CjLib package, it installs "corejoomla - socials" plugin as well. Please go to Extensions -> Plugins... -
Maverick replied to the topic Modal Pop-Ups off page, Missing Social Links.
September 29 at 10:07 pm
When you install CjLib package, it installs "corejoomla - socials" plugin as well. Please go to Extensions -> Plugins and check it. -
Jason Finn replied to the topic Modal Pop-Ups off page, Missing Social Links.
September 29 at 9:28 pm
Maverick wrote: Can you please send me user details using contact us form so that I can try that? Also, the... -
Maverick replied to the topic Registered.
September 29 at 3:25 pm
Do you have email and name type questions in your survey? -
Maverick replied to the topic Where can i find the uploaded images.
September 29 at 3:24 pm
/media/communitysurveys/uploads -
platform hattinga replied to the topic Registered.
September 29 at 3:11 pm
Hello, I've updated communitysurveys to component 4.2.3. But (user)name and emailadress are not autocaptured after I logged in and started a... -
Rene Struebel replied to the topic No Location and Browser Details for Guest Users.
September 29 at 1:49 pm
Problem is solved. I select an anonymous survey and this was the reason. -
Rene Struebel created new topic No Location and Browser Details for Guest Users.
September 29 at 1:05 pm
I wonder why I could not dee the Location and the Browser Information and all other user data if a guest user is taking a survey. Can you tell me, if I can activate that also... -
Sebastian Schilling replied to the topic Where can i find the uploaded images.
September 29 at 8:57 am
When someone uploads an image through the survey, where are the images stored? See attached screenshot.