garrettl created new topic Points Awarded based on number of Responses.
November 3 at 6:30 pm
I would like to suggest a feature (fi it doesn't already exist) User is awarded 10 points for passing a quiz on response #1 5 points for... -
horstpti created new topic Track view modification.
November 3 at 5:46 pm
Dear, Good day Before you update the component, I did some customizations on the track view ( I removed the rating, removed some fields from Track information, removed... -
maverick replied to the topic GPStool V4RC1 error.
November 3 at 7:56 am
I guess I was not clear. Please go to Components->GPS Tools->Tracks->Select the tracks and click on Clean Cache button. -
harpel1 replied to the topic GPStool V4RC1 error.
November 3 at 7:00 am
Thanks Maveric, I do not have the cache on, the gmap3 error was the only error I could see nut thanks for clearing up this is not related. But I still... -
maverick replied to the topic GPStool V4RC1 error.
November 2 at 7:36 pm
v4 do not use gmap3. Please clear your js and file cache in tracks page. -
harpel1 created new topic GPStool V4RC1 error.
November 2 at 7:34 pm
Installed GPStools and I do not see the graph data and I get the below error. It seems it is related to the .gmap3 error under the... -
maverick replied to the topic How to take affects in image size?.
November 2 at 5:55 pm
That's not possible. You need to write your own code to resize images or validate resolution of the images. -
sudiani replied to the topic How to take affects in image size?.
November 2 at 2:00 pm
Thanks Maverick, i found it but what i need is a possibility to set a min. resolution size. Is this possible? Kind regards -
maverick said thank you to Beany for his/her reply to the topic Polls app causes error in Easysocial 2.0.
November 2 at 6:35 am
I contacted Stackideas and they advised that the following code must be changed. On lines 84 and 112 of poll.php,... -
maverick replied to the topic Polls app causes error in Easysocial 2.0.
November 2 at 6:35 am
Thank you. I will update the same in code. -
Beany replied to the topic Polls app causes error in Easysocial 2.0.
November 2 at 5:49 am
I contacted Stackideas and they advised that the following code must be changed. On lines 84 and 112 of poll.php,... -
yorai85 replied to the topic error counting points in Grid & Matching question types.
November 1 at 10:07 pm
hi maverick, that solved the problem - but please notice that in my file the lines are 957 & 960. thank you very much! yorai -
maverick replied to the topic A few new stuff.
November 1 at 6:35 pm
1. To have one upload category for registered user, so they wont be able to upload anywhere else A. This is not a possible option in performance point of view. Imagine... -
maverick replied to the topic error counting points in Grid & Matching question types.
November 1 at 6:15 pm
You are correct. This is a bug, I will fix it in next release. Line 1043 of components/com_communityquiz/models/response.php, this should be... -
maverick replied to the topic activities of registered users are shown without link to relevant post / quiz.
November 1 at 6:06 pm
Can you please post only translated string? -
klamort created new topic A few new stuff.
November 1 at 5:58 pm
Hello, Your module is something I have been waiting for. -
trench replied to the topic Alias description.
November 1 at 4:12 pm
Sorry Maverick, Could you indicate the location where to find the Joomla global language files Thanks