becart replied to the topic Update to V4 problem.
November 10 at 5:48 pm
I have new problem. Elevation in WAYPOINT DETAILS table is always 0 -
maverick replied to the topic PDF Consolidated Report Export Damaged.
November 9 at 6:43 am
Can you please send me your website details using contact us form so that I can check the issue? -
becart replied to the topic Update to V4 problem.
November 8 at 10:28 pm
2. You can see on following link: Both modules are set in position tracks-list-above-categories, but does not... -
far1e8k created new topic PDF Consolidated Report Export Damaged.
November 8 at 10:18 pm
When I view a survey's results, go to Consolidated Report, and click on the PDF export, it downloads a "report.pdf" file that is 1Kb everytime no matter what survey I'm... -
maverick replied to the topic Update to V4 problem.
November 8 at 7:42 pm
1. There is not seperate view available in new version as the listing is same page. Users can access their tracks with My Tracks menu on toolbar. 2. Where can I see... -
becart replied to the topic Update to V4 problem.
November 8 at 4:17 pm
Thanks for help. I have 2 more problems: 1. Old menu item "User Layout" not working, but there is no new menu item for this. 2.... -
harpel1 replied to the topic GPStool V4RC1 error.
November 7 at 6:52 am
Good Morning, I checked the key and it was the same as the one I had already put in after the upgrade. But this morning it is working ? Strange. As normal... -
maverick replied to the topic GPStool V4RC1 error.
November 6 at 8:21 pm
I cleared the cache for all tracks and can see the map and charts loading fine except the elevation details. It may be because of "Google Maps Elevation API" is not enabled... -
maverick replied to the topic Problem with dropdown menu - forum.
November 6 at 2:43 pm
Did you installed something before it breaks? -
bsrweb replied to the topic Problem with dropdown menu - forum.
November 5 at 8:36 pm
maverick replied to the topic Update to V4 problem.
November 5 at 7:15 pm
Can you send me your website admin details using contact us form to check what is the issue? -
maverick replied to the topic GPStool V4RC1 error.
November 5 at 7:13 pm
Althlugh these notice messages shall be fixed, they have no relation to the above problem and are not show stoppers. -
becart created new topic Update to V4 problem.
November 5 at 4:46 pm
Hi, I made a test site and did update GPS tools to V4. After cleaning track cache, I can not open even one track and got error 500 How can... -
harpel1 replied to the topic GPStool V4RC1 error.
November 5 at 3:48 pm
Had more time today to try and work out what is going on, I can see this error with full error logging turned on. -
maverick replied to the topic GPStool V4RC1 error.
November 4 at 10:08 am
Can you please send me your website and admin user details using contact us form to check the issue? -
harpel1 replied to the topic GPStool V4RC1 error.
November 4 at 7:58 am
Morning, Cleared the cache and still no graphs, I have also used a diffrent template to see if it was that. But still no graphs, I have been turning plugins off to see... -
maverick replied to the topic Points Awarded based on number of Responses.
November 3 at 9:35 pm
As of now there is no such feature present. I will consider adding it in future releases. -
maverick replied to the topic Track view modification.
November 3 at 9:34 pm
In v4, you can modify/override all track layouts under components/com_gpstools/layouts/default(or bootstrap3)/track folder.