A. Nelson
zebra2 created new topic Lotus Issues (Continued).
September 3 at 4:31 pm
Maverick: Thank you very much for the Lotus source files but I was not proficient enough to make the changes I wanted. I will have to wait until you correct some of... -
zebra2 replied to the topic Lotus App Issues.
August 27 at 9:49 pm
Maverick: Thank you very much for addressing each of the issues I noted above re the Lotus extension and app. I will continue trying to get the... -
zebra2 replied to the topic Lotus App Issues.
August 25 at 5:07 pm
I figured out why the Submit button would not work to send Contact Us mail. The "Show Captcha" in Lotus app is not functional. Whether it is set to "Hide" or "Show", it... -
zebra2 replied to the topic Lotus App Issues.
August 22 at 9:35 pm
Maverick: I figured out the problem with uploading images in Articles. I had to give my Galaxy Smartphone the permissions to allow for the upload... -
zebra2 created new topic Lotus App Issues.
August 22 at 7:01 pm
I successfully created an .apk file using the "Build" I successfully signed and installed it on a Galaxy Smartphone. The following issues exist and there is... -
A. Nelson replied to the topic Constant Flashing of "Please Wait" During Survey Start.
February 24 at 5:54 pm
The "Please Wait" constant flashing problem seems to be corrected when I disable a separate Analytics component that I have installed on the site. Thanks for the help. I will let you know if the issues returns. -
A. Nelson created new topic Constant Flashing of "Please Wait" During Survey Start.
February 24 at 2:51 am
I have a test survey set up but a "Please Wait" message flashes every few seconds so the survey cannot be readily started. It constantly flashes while trying to answer the questions. I uninstalled everything and reinstalled both latest survey module and the lastest cjlib version but I still have the same issue. -
A. Nelson replied to the topic Start Survey Button Does Not Work.
February 22 at 8:26 pm
I figured out that the "Start Survey" button wouldn't work unless I set "Anonymous" on. But, I still have the other issue regarding the menu option "Responses". This feature does not work at all for me. I can't delete the responses or make them unpublished. Any option I choose results in an "http 500" error. -
A. Nelson created new topic Start Survey Button Does Not Work.
February 22 at 6:39 pm
I have created test surveys. When the "Start Survey" button is pressed, either from the site or from an invitation, the survey form does not appear. It seems nothing happens but each time the "Start Survey" button is pressed it lists an empty "response" in the Response Menu. When I try to delete these responses I get an Http500 error. Any ideas? -
A. Nelson replied to the topic Non Working Captcha Show On Poll Form.
December 30 at 6:37 pm
Perfect ! ... works now -
A. Nelson created new topic Non Working Captcha Show On Poll Form.
December 30 at 1:35 am
A Google "Captcha" shows up on my poll voting forms but it has no effect. Users can simply "Vote" without regard to the Captcha. How can I either get it working or get rid of it without disabling Captcha on my other site features? -
A. Nelson replied to the topic Poll Cannot Save.
December 27 at 11:56 pm
I have the same problem as the person who posted above. I bought your "bundle" software yesterday, mainly because I needed the poll extension. But I can't save a poll using "save, save and close, or save and new." I obviously have the latest versions since I purchased yesterday. There are no cache issues and all of my other extensions can successfully use the above "save" features. Let me know how you resolved it for the above subscriber.