Jan Weigel

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Member since August 10th, 2014
Last seen 6 years ago
Topics 1
Replies 2
Points 3
About Jan Weigel: No information provided.

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  • Jan Weigel replied to the topic TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans.

    July 30 at 3:52 pm

    Hello, I have the exact same problem: TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: freesans I'm using the latest CJLib and Community Surveys Extension on Joomla 3.51 What is the fix for this problem? As I cannot send you the credentials to acces the code of the website, please send me detailed information how to fix this. Thank you

    8 years ago

  • Jan Weigel replied to the topic Database Field missing: SQL Error.

    July 18 at 8:12 pm

    That didn't really help. I reinstalled the file "pkg_communitysurveys_v4.1.9.zip" again, but the state field was still missing. I created the state field manually in the database and now I can acces the result pages in the backend. However, the survey responses always have a state of 0 even if they were filled completely and the completed date is set correctly in the survey_responses table. The state field in the survey_responses table still is 0. Shouldn't the state get another value automatically if the survey was filled completely?

    8 years ago

  • Jan Weigel created new topic Databse Field missing: SQL Error.

    July 18 at 8:24 am

    Hello,  I purchased and installed the community survesy package V. 4.1.9 and I get SQL errors everytime the code tries to access the field "state" of table "survey_responses" because this field does not exists. I checked the install SQL scripts and there is no field "state" in the table "survey_responses". But the code tries to access this field at many different places. Therefore every response related action fails. Could you please provide a fix for this bug as soon as possible. I also have another question: Is it possible to automatically set a response to published if the survey was filled completely or do I always have to set the state to published manually? Thank you

    8 years ago

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