Peter J Scalici

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Member since April 12th, 2016
Last seen 9 years ago
Topics 1
Replies 3
Points 4
About Peter J Scalici: No information provided.

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  • Peter J Scalici replied to the topic Need Help to remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.

    May 7 at 1:54 am

    Thank you for your help Maverick. I was able to change the "required" state of the "Title" in the name by removig this <?php echo $required;?> from the Title field only It works the way I wanted it to now.    Thanks :)

    9 years ago

  • Peter J Scalici replied to the topic Need Help to remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.

    May 6 at 5:34 pm

    Hi Maverick, Im sorry for the confusion but I think I was vague in my request. I am not looking to remove all titles from the questions. I am trying to remove the "Title" field from the "Name" question in the survey. Please see attached. Is this possible to remove this field and still keep the response from working correctly. Please advise.   Thanks!

    9 years ago

  • Peter J Scalici replied to the topic Need Help to remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.

    May 6 at 2:17 am

    Hi Maverick,  I have tried what you have explained above but it didnt do anything. I ended up finding the file I need to edit and the snippet of code to delete for "title" to go away. Problem is after I delete the snippet and test by adding the first and last name in survey and submit the responses come back in administrator as "no answer given" when I clearly put in a first name and a last name. Can you assist with what has to be done for the responses in admin backend to come up with the proper entry? see attached. Thank you! file path // components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/default/response/question/name.php snippet I deleted: <input type="text" name="user-name-<?php echo $item->id;?>[]" id="user-name-<?php echo $item->id;?>-title" class="form-control input-mini<?php echo $required;?>"  value="<?php echo $free_text;?>" placeholder="<?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYSURVEYS_TITLE');?>"> Result after I submit:  

    9 years ago

  • Peter J Scalici created new topic Need Help to remove the field TITLE in the NAME area?.

    May 5 at 2:59 am

    How do I remove the "title" in name fields. When I mark it "madatory" it is required to put somthing in title field. I prefer not to have a title. I refered to other threads that explain a fix but it is out dated.  In a later thread Maverick wrote:Edit components/com_communitysurveys/helpers/formfields.php  But this file is non-existing in the most up to date fixes. Can you please advise me the new correct file to edit and the line I need to delete?   Many Thanks!

    9 years ago

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