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tali replied to the topic AcyMailing plugin not interpreted.
July 27 at 7:04 pm
@maverick Thank you very much for your explanation : i was using the "Survey" button below the editor which, as far as i understand, is ment for articles. Using the... -
tali replied to the topic AcyMailing plugin not interpreted.
July 26 at 5:48 pm
maverick wrote:Did you enable Community Surveys content plugin?Yes. Of course. This is the first thing I... -
tali created new topic AcyMailing plugin not interpreted.
July 26 at 10:58 am
Hi, Using AcyMailing Pro, I indeed have the "Survey" tag button. After clicking on it, I get the tag in the newsletter. For example -
tali created new topic How to delete all the responses of a particular survey.
July 26 at 10:38 am
Hi, After testing a survey inside the team, we end with tens of tests responses. Now, we want to make the survey to all. But before, we need to delete... -
tali replied to the topic Upgrade from 3 to 4.4 made surveys to disappear.
July 25 at 6:49 am
maverick wrote:Please go to any menus available and see the Migrate menu item on left sidebar.Ok. The left... -
tali replied to the topic Upgrade from 3 to 4.4 made surveys to disappear.
July 20 at 7:57 am
Thanks for your reply I'm already with the 4.4 and do not see Components ->... -
tali created new topic Upgrade from 3 to 4.4 made surveys to disappear.
July 20 at 4:25 am
Hi, After upgrading from 3. something (uptodate) to 4.4 i still find the categories, but no surveys. Where have they gone? How can i recover them? I,...
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