Nektarios Koutouzis
Nektarios Koutouzis replied to the topic Random Poll instead of Latest Poll.
April 22 at 6:53 am
It's not working. As I said I haven't chosen custom ids. I want to display the latest poll from all polls. It doesn't work. In your code you have $listtype = $params->get('listtype', 'random'); if you echo $listtype after that you will get 'random'. Although latest is chosen is backend. -
Nektarios Koutouzis replied to the topic Advanced Search not working.
April 21 at 1:22 pm
I managed to bypass joomsef, so everything works now regarding search. -
Nektarios Koutouzis replied to the topic Embedding does not work in chrome/edge.
April 21 at 1:21 pm
I Solved this. It was due to cloudflare and No-Sniff Header turned on. -
Nektarios Koutouzis replied to the topic Random Poll instead of Latest Poll.
April 21 at 7:51 am
No, we did not choose specifi ids. The problem is that you ignore the module option for random/latest polls in your code. You always use the default value which is random. -
Nektarios Koutouzis replied to the topic Advanced Search not working.
April 21 at 7:43 am
Thanks for your answer. It works but I have another problem now. If a have joomsef enabled when I perform an advanced search it doesn't work. It takes me to the home page. I see that joomsef uses index.php whereas your component uses polls variable. url with joomsef disabled: https://*******/polls?list_filter=%CE%B3%CE%B5%CE%B9%CE%B1+%CF%83%CE%B1%CF%82&list_filter_field=title&filter_order=a.created&filter_order_Dir=asc&view=polls&filter_featured= url with joomsef enabled: https://*******/index.php?list_filter=%CE%B3%CE%B5%CE%B9%CE%B1+%CF%83%CE%B1%CF%82&list_filter_field=title&filter_order=a.created&filter_order_Dir=asc&view=polls&filter_featured= I wanted to disable joomsef for polls but if I do so the component does not function correctly. It seems that joomsef does something to polls no matter what. So I have to install the extension you had prepared sometime ago for joomsef. Everything seems to work apart from the advanced search (so far) Thank you. -
Nektarios Koutouzis replied to the topic Embedding does not work in chrome/edge.
April 21 at 6:17 am
Yes sure. Please delete afterwards. link -
Nektarios Koutouzis created new topic Random Poll instead of Latest Poll.
April 20 at 10:24 am
Although I have selected latest poll in module community polls - random poll I keep getting a random poll each time. -
Nektarios Koutouzis created new topic Advanced Search not working.
April 20 at 9:51 am
Hi. The advanced search link points to communityquiz which is wrong ofcourse and I get a 404 error. This is the non sef url that is behind the button: index.php?option=com_communityquiz&view=search -
Nektarios Koutouzis created new topic Embedding does not work in chrome/edge.
April 20 at 8:31 am
Hi. The embedding code does not work in chrome/edge. It keeps trying to fetch the poll. I don't have the same problem with firefox/safari. -
Nektarios Koutouzis created new topic Category Drop Down missing.
April 18 at 12:49 pm
Hi. Just installed latest version of Community polls. I have created a Poll Category but when I try to create a new poll I cannot see any categories to choose from.