Alessandro Lafusa
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Alessandro Lafusa replied to the topic Content poll: no messages.
October 5 at 9:15 am
Like this $poll->notices = $poll->end_message; $this->printMessage(json_encode(array('poll'=>$poll)), $anywhere, $callback); Still not show messages -
Alessandro Lafusa created new topic Content poll: no messages.
October 3 at 9:31 am
I've embedded a poll with the plugin button in a K2 Article. It work fine except for the messages don't show up. I suppose they should be in the div class="poll-notices", but is empty, I need at least the "end message" to display some "thank for voting" Thank you for support -
Alessandro Lafusa replied to the topic New poll don't work Jommla 3.3.
October 2 at 9:10 am
Email sent -
Alessandro Lafusa replied to the topic New poll don't work Jommla 3.3.
October 2 at 8:33 am
Thanks. I have to do that mode in administrator to work on back end administrator/components/com_communitypolls/views/poll/tmpl I create a poll but the button vote not work. Check -
Alessandro Lafusa created new topic New poll don't work Jommla 3.3.
October 1 at 2:23 pm
I realized only after installing cjlib that only works with Joomla 3.4, but I can not upgrade my site that currently runs Joomla 3.3, as it would for other incompatibilities. The "new poll" is not working. Error : jos-Error: JHtmlBehavior :: formvalidator not found. Should I install a previous cjlib or I need a solution Thanks a lot
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