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mrit1305 replied to the topic finish suervey button.
July 26 at 5:36 pm
Hello there ! It is a long time with news..... Have you tested it ? -
mrit1305 replied to the topic finish suervey button.
July 24 at 10:29 am
Hallo again! I have some more problems...though Ihave configured a survey as descriped on manual , it does not show captcha at the end of survey , also I don't see... -
mrit1305 replied to the topic finish suervey button.
July 21 at 12:16 pm
Hello there ! Sorry about it... I thought you understood it... Anyway ! Do you have any news about it ..? Have you tested it... -
mrit1305 replied to the topic finish suervey button.
July 18 at 9:17 am
So there is not any screenshosts more to show you... Just follow the steps above and you will reproduce it ! The issue is nonly on the Survey Module....I... -
mrit1305 replied to the topic finish suervey button.
July 18 at 9:14 am
Hello there ! After a lot of testings and trying of different configuration of the Community Survey we have found that the issue exists only on the... -
mrit1305 replied to the topic finish suervey button.
July 17 at 9:08 am
hallo! video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnWuGqckXTY&feature=youtu.be I... -
mrit1305 replied to the topic finish suervey button.
July 14 at 10:43 am
I have still problem with continue button. This is what I have done: I have created a survey with 2 pages (see video attached) -before that I had given to the survey 1-for... -
mrit1305 replied to the topic finish suervey button.
July 14 at 10:20 am
thanks for the answer. Regarding the country , my administrator told me that the present ip is local ( is hosted on our internal server due to develop[ing reason) and... -
mrit1305 created new topic finish suervey button.
July 13 at 11:16 am
hallo! I'm working on a site to provide a single survey for a university research. I;ve created a survey with 5 questions in one page and at the end of them there... -
mrit1305 created new topic advanced filter.
July 11 at 4:04 pm
hallo! I' m trying to configure the first survey ( there are noanswers yet) and I tried to set some advanced filter on the back end based on selected answers and there...
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