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pierre replied to the topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.
February 6 at 11:01 pm
I solved it (Q2 & Q3). I turn off the loading os ccss bootstraped and put the default layout to default. Now it works! The is only question1 to resolved. I put all the links in a menu at the top of my page. So noy i wnat to remove the menu bar. How can i do that? Thanks -
pierre replied to the topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.
February 6 at 3:39 am
Oh here is the link http://www.hl7community.org/q-a -
pierre replied to the topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.
February 6 at 3:27 am
Hello, Thanks for the quick responce. I have allready set it as BS3 but the problem are still there. Do you have an other solution? -
pierre created new topic Display Issue After Uograde to current version.
February 4 at 11:28 pm
I have a few Issue Following my Upgrade of community Answers to the Curent version. 1- I like to remove the menu Bar 2- My Category list in a colume. I want it to look like the demo page 3- The word (Question : ) is showed after the name of a category. i want to remove this There are more question but i wait for an other post. Thanks P
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