jean roucas
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jean roucas replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 9 at 5:10 pm
Hi, Maverick could you explain please ? I searh to filter category listing in article layout and i thinked that the content cjblog plugins option did it. Thanks. -
jean roucas created new topic Cj Blog Favorites & followers.
December 13 at 12:56 pm
Hi all, i'm actually on a community site project and i found CjBlog very useful and decided to use it. Only one thing is missing : the blog or bloggers favorite and following. Favorite is present for content but not for one blog or a blogger. I haven't anytime to develop it actually but if this feature isn't scheduled for futur version, i will taked the time later. So, if somebody can informed me on the code and files used for favorite article content : - i saw there the cjblogs_favorites sql key in database - i saw favorite code used in plg_content_cjblog - some functions in com_cjblog/site/controllers/article.php Folllowing and followers will not be difficult to develop after that. So if somebody can details favorite article coding ? Thx.
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