Cory Sytsma
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Cory Sytsma replied to the topic AcyMailing Plugin URL Display.
September 22 at 6:38 am
Well, I just went ahead and modified the plugin, and works for me now. With this edit, the new tag would look like: {surveyurl:1|Take the Survey} Replace the text 'Take the Survey' with whatever displayed text you want. Instructions: Edit the following file: <site>/plugins/acymailing/communitysurveys/communitysurveys.php With these changes: Line 129: $match = '#{surveyurl:(.*)|(.*?)}#Ui'; Line 167-172: $start = strpos($oneTag, ':') + 1; $length = strpos($oneTag, '|') - strpos($oneTag, ':') - 1; $sid = intval(substr($oneTag, $start, $length)); $t_start = strpos($oneTag, '|') + 1; $t_length = strpos($oneTag, '}') - strpos($oneTag, '|') - 1; $t_val = substr($oneTag, $t_start, $t_length); Line 186 (used to be 183 before above 3 lines were added): $link = '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$t_val.'</a>'; -
Cory Sytsma created new topic AcyMailing Plugin URL Display.
September 22 at 6:00 am
I'm attempting to use the Acymailing plugin, but the only way it appears to work is to insert the full HTTP link text. This is very ugly and unprofessional, and breaks the formatting of my newsletter. I've tried to use the tag inside an href, but that doesn't work either. Is there something I'm missing? I'm expecting it to work like an {unsubscribe}{/unsubscribe} tag that surrounds text, then the link is assigned to that display text.
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