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ilperiodiconews replied to the topic Hide total number votes from front-end.
February 19 at 9:55 am
Perfect! Many thanks! Problem solved! -
ilperiodiconews replied to the topic Hide total number votes from front-end.
February 19 at 9:55 am
Perfect! Many thanks! Problem solved! -
ilperiodiconews replied to the topic Hide total number votes from front-end.
February 19 at 9:12 am
Hi, this is not the random... -
ilperiodiconews replied to the topic Hide total number votes from front-end.
February 18 at 7:39 am
I'm refer to listing page. Thank you -
ilperiodiconews created new topic Hide total number votes from front-end.
February 17 at 11:44 am
Hi, We need to remove the number of total votes at the bottom of the survey?From the admin panel we find the function to remove it.We thank you in advance...
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