Gilles Dolet
Recent activity
gdolet replied to the topic cascading rules not working.
November 13 at 7:52 am
Hi Maverick, I've tried with a private session, buit does not work. I've changed the survey to not use this functionnality Thanks, Gilles -
gdolet replied to the topic cascading rules not working.
November 12 at 2:47 pm
Hi Mavrick, I've applied the new file, but does not work for me. I've still have problems with conditionnal rule -
gdolet replied to the topic cascading rules not working.
November 11 at 2:48 pm
Hi Mavrick, I've replaced the file, and it solved the cascading problem. But a new problem appears, it looks like the conditional rule "If the user... -
gdolet created new topic cascading rules not working.
November 10 at 4:59 pm
Hi, Under here is an example to illustrate the problem we face on: Lets configure the folowing survey: Q1 -yes -No... -
gdolet created new topic Field adress.
October 17 at 10:19 am
Hello, Using adress field, is there a way to validate zip code / city using ajax call ? Regards, Gilles -
gdolet replied to the topic single line freetext regex.
October 17 at 10:17 am
Ok thanks, this i sworking fine -
gdolet created new topic single line freetext regex.
October 16 at 9:55 am
Hi, How can I setup a regex rule, on single line freetext to check that value is a number with 1 or 2 digits Regards
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