Feras replied to the topic Show Poll Answers in Polls listing page.
January 24 at 7:23 pm
I'm trying to implement this myself but I faced some problems: 1- When I tried to var_dump the item object in polls listing page there is no answers property. So I can't get the answers, how can I load answers in polls listing page? 2- A different approach I found and that you use is to load the vote form in poll template. How can I load the template in polls listing page per each item? <form class="voting-form" name="voting-form" <?php echo $default_view == 'form' ? '' : ' style="display: none;"';?> action="<?php echo JRoute::_(CommunityPollsHelperRoute::getPollRoute($this->item->slug, $this->item->catslug, $this->item->language))?>"> <?php echo $this->loadTemplate('answers');?> </form> I couldn't load this template in polls listing page. What changes should I apply? Thanks, -
Feras replied to the topic Show Poll Answers in Polls listing page.
January 14 at 5:12 am
Isn't there a way to change the html code to show it as I requested? -
Feras created new topic Show Poll Answers in Polls listing page.
January 13 at 10:25 pm
How could I show poll answers in the listing page? Is it also possible to allow voting from the listing page? -
Feras replied to the topic Can't hide category list in community polls component.
January 11 at 7:49 pm
Did you manage to release a new version? How can I get it? -
Feras created new topic Can't hide category list in community polls component.
January 9 at 4:17 pm
I'm trying to hide category list from Community Polls component. I changed the show category options put with no luck. Here is a screenshot of my options: Thanks, Feras -
Feras replied to the topic Community Polls Categories Module not showing any Category.
January 7 at 8:30 pm
No, I don't see any error. I suppose this should show all subcategories in a category right? -
Feras created new topic Community Polls Categories Module not showing any Category.
January 7 at 5:11 am
I placed community polls categories module on right sidebar. I choosed a category with subcategories. However, I can't see an category in this module. It is completely empty. While I can see categories in the community polls component. What is going wrong with that? Thanks, Feras -
Feras replied to the topic Use Arabic language in Community Polls Component and Module is not working.
January 7 at 4:54 am
Thanks Maverick, I don't want to build a multilingual site. I want to be an arabic site. I added Arabic to content languages and disabled English. In Home menu I item I set language to Arabic. However, I can still see community polls in English in my home page. Can you please help with that? -
Feras added the topic to his favorites: Use Arabic language in Community Polls Component and Module is not working.
January 6 at 7:49 pm
I translated community polls files: ar-AA.com_communitypolls.ini and ar-AA.mod_communitypolls.ini and put them into Joomla 3 language folder under ar-AA. The problem is that english is still used until now in both front end and admin panel. What should I do to fix that? Thanks, Feras -
Feras liked the topic Use Arabic language in Community Polls Component and Module is not working.
January 6 at 7:48 pm
I translated community polls files: ar-AA.com_communitypolls.ini and ar-AA.mod_communitypolls.ini and put them into Joomla 3 language folder under ar-AA. The problem is that english is still used until now in both front end and admin panel. What should I do to fix that? Thanks, Feras -
Feras created new topic Use Arabic language in Community Polls Component and Module is not working.
January 6 at 7:45 pm
I translated community polls files: ar-AA.com_communitypolls.ini and ar-AA.mod_communitypolls.ini and put them into Joomla 3 language folder under ar-AA. The problem is that english is still used until now in both front end and admin panel. What should I do to fix that? Thanks, Feras