eddie manoian
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eddie manoian replied to the topic Quiz plugin for AltaUSerPoints not working.
April 27 at 7:16 pm
Your support does not help us! it's your responsibility to update your extensins to be compatible with the latest version of altauserpoints. We will stop using your extensions and we want our money back. Thanks! -
eddie manoian replied to the topic Quiz plugin for AltaUSerPoints not working.
April 27 at 11:48 am
The owner of the component AlphaUserPoints retaired after 12 yers of development and sold that component to another company and the new owner renamed the component to AltaUserPoints. All your plugins should be using the new name if the component. We are using AltaUserPoint in our website and no one of your plugins is working. Please update as soon as possible. Thanks! -
eddie manoian created new topic Quiz plugin for AltaUSerPoints not working.
April 26 at 10:38 pm
The developer of AlphaUSerPoints changed the name of the component to AltaUserPoints, However you still using the old name in your plugins & components code and not working. Please update to AltaUserPoints. Thanks!
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