David Dorey
Recent activity
doreymedia replied to the topic JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Specified key was too long.
April 26 at 5:43 pm
Thanks maverick. I successfully created the table with the correct prefix in phpmyadmin , but even though the extension manager shows the component as installed it... -
doreymedia created new topic JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Specified key was too long.
April 26 at 4:59 pm
I'm getting an error when installing pkg_communityanswers_v4.6.0.zip... -
David Dorey created new topic Thousands of index.html?option=com_cjlib files in web root.
July 20 at 5:11 pm
My installation of Community Answers v3.1 / CjLib API v. 2.3.0 is creating thousands of files in the web root. Files are named index.html?option=com_cjlib.nnn where the number nnn starts at 1 and increments without stopping. The file contents when opened are {"error": ""url" required."} Any ideas what the problem is?
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