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Bryan Gros created new topic My Responses Does not work.
March 29 at 9:56 pm
We purchased Community Quiz last year (version 4.0), and we were dissapointed that the "My Responses" menu does not and never did work. This is a crucial feature for Quiz users to self-track. So I never understood why it was even visible if it did not work, which confused our users. I was looking to see if you have fixed and corrected this problem, to see if it is worth purchasing again; BUT on searching the Quiz forum someone posted the same exact question 3 months ago; and the reply was that this feature is "under development"... https://www.corejoomla.com/forum/support/community-quiz/15456-my-responses-no-quizzes-found.html My question is, has this feature been developed yet? (Another suggestion would be to not include features, if they dont actually work) Thanks -
Bryan Gros replied to the topic Problem with new cjlib release jquery link.
September 18 at 6:29 am
Update: I resolved this by going to ../framework/functions.php and changing the two .js links to local paths placed in the jquery folder, named jquery.validate.min.js. Lines 278, and 281. CJFunctions::add_script('/jquery/jquery.validate.min.js', $custom_tag); if($locale != 'en') { CJFunctions::add_script('/jquery/jquery.validate.min.js'.$locale.'.js', $custom_tag); } -
Bryan Gros created new topic Problem with new cjlib release jquery link.
September 18 at 5:17 am
I just upgraded to the new cjlib, and it has now caused my initial page load to hang for exactly 21 sec. (21.02 to be exact), only when Community polls is enabled on it after the cjlib update starting today. When I inspect the network on page load the culprit is: https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.13.1/jquery.validate.min.js Which never resolves/connects, and then my page proceeds to finally load at 21 sec. Disabling the Poll module from my home page temporarily removes this jquery script call, and the problem no longer exists. Please advise, Thank you.
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