christopher gilles
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christopher gilles replied to the topic cjBlog Month by Month Archive?.
April 12 at 6:13 pm
I assume that it is not part of the current release, as I did not see the module available in my admin. I downloaded the Github code, and attempted an update, it appeared to update the extenstion, but I still do not see the module available. How would I go about properly upgrading so that I can make this available. Thanks much for your help. So far I really like the functionality of this extention. the ability to have a monthly archive would be the only part I need to make it perfect. -
christopher gilles replied to the topic Article links in latest articles category listing go to homepage.
April 12 at 1:12 am
That worked, I mistakenly thought that creating a menu item that displays the "cjblog articles layout" would take care of this, but now that I think about it, your answer makes complete sense. thanks for the help. -
christopher gilles created new topic Article links in latest articles category listing go to homepage.
April 12 at 12:13 am
I have created a page that lists the latest articles, I created a category "blog1" for testing. and I created a few artcles to test out, the list shows up correctly, but when I click on title or read more, it redirects to homepage? I set this up exactly the same on my dev server without an issue. I'm wondering what I should be looking for to fix this?
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