Andreas Haf
Recent activity
andreas.haf replied to the topic single vote in a poll.
April 13 at 9:59 am
Maverik, I did point at the theory, you replied. I want to show you, that the single vote does not work, if the complete vote is set up as... -
andreas.haf replied to the topic single vote in a poll.
April 6 at 5:47 pm
Dear Maverik, thank you for the answer. You got the point, that I want to restrict the users to submit one vote (Ballot) at a poll. I figuerd, when I want to... -
andreas.haf created new topic Private Polls - Notification sent .
April 5 at 12:13 pm
Hello CP Team, do you have a cp translated into german language. If not, I could help you to translate it into German. Just send me a list of all descriptions... -
andreas.haf created new topic single vote in a poll.
April 5 at 12:08 pm
Dear Community Poll Team, I want to make certain polls single vote. First of all, I cannot find a...
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