Christophe RALLE
YSTHAD replied to the topic Integration of Community Poll in EasySocial Stream.
May 18 at 8:15 am
Hello Maverick, Done ! thank you. Regards, Christophe. -
YSTHAD created new topic Integration of Community Poll in EasySocial Stream.
May 17 at 3:53 pm
Dear all ?! -
Christophe Ralle replied to the topic Add quizzes integrated inside articles.
September 2 at 10:13 am
Hi How to add a quiz in an article?It would be too much power generate shortcodes for Quizz -
Christophe Ralle replied to the topic "please wait ..." appears and then nothing..
August 8 at 1:27 pm
If I enable authentication, as I identified in front, it's working. I find it a little strange operation. -
Christophe Ralle replied to the topic "please wait ..." appears and then nothing..
August 5 at 7:47 am
Hello,I emptied the Joomla cache purge ficheirs expired. I tested on multiple browsers, multiple machines (PC / Mac) and I still have the same problem ...You do not have the message that is displayed please wait?I sent you a ticket with all access / login so you can test -
Christophe Ralle replied to the topic "please wait ..." appears and then nothing..
August 4 at 10:15 pm
Update ok but same problem ReferenceError: noty is not defined var n = noty({text: message, type: 'information', theme: 'relax', timeout: 5000,... cj.surveys.min.js (ligne 1214, col. 13) -
Christophe Ralle replied to the topic "please wait ..." appears and then nothing..
August 3 at 12:58 pm
CjLib component version 2.4.6 -
Christophe Ralle created new topic "please wait ..." appears and then nothing..
August 2 at 10:13 pm
Hello, When I run the survey in front-end, the message "please wait ..." appears and then nothing Console error : ReferenceError: noty is not defined var n = noty({text: message, type: 'information', theme: 'relax', timeout: 5000,... cj.surveys.min.js (ligne 1214, col. 13)