Mitch TA
TAmitch created new topic "Catagory" title in "Start a Topic".
February 11 at 8:18 pm
Attached is a quich screen shot of what I'm talking about. In the start a topic section of the forum there is a drop down that says "catagory" as a label and then the drop... -
TAmitch replied to the topic Recent Activity showing threads from secured forum categorie.
February 8 at 3:54 pm
has this issue ever been corrected? I am getting alot of kick back with the client I used your forum for and they hate that forum users (registered) can see all activity done... -
TAmitch created new topic Client wants me to remove "who is online" section at the bottom of Forum.
January 18 at 6:19 pm
My Client has asked me to remove the entire "who is online" section from the bottom of the forum. i have figured out how to remove most of it, but the last few items. (see... -
TAmitch created new topic in CJ Forum, showing a user by Name and not user name.
January 14 at 4:55 pm
I thought I saw the setting for this in the set up but can't find it now. This is a private site where a person's real name is expected, the user profile in joomla has the... -
TAmitch replied to the topic Just purchased, can not install, fatal error.
December 11 at 8:45 pm
it will not allow me to send without a pay pal invoice number. -
TAmitch replied to the topic Just purchased, can not install, fatal error.
December 11 at 1:23 pm
do I send that through the Technical Support email? -
TAmitch replied to the topic Just purchased, can not install, fatal error.
December 10 at 2:25 pm
ok quick update to the issue described above. It seems I am only having this issue with super uers of the joomla ACL or Admin ranking with the forum, registered joomla users... -
TAmitch replied to the topic Just purchased, can not install, fatal error.
December 10 at 1:30 pm
I did sync the users, it said operation successfully completed. I logged out and back in and still get: 0 DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string... -
TAmitch replied to the topic Just purchased, can not install, fatal error.
December 7 at 7:54 pm
When trying to do anything with a user in the form I get this error message and can go no further DateTime::__construct():... -
TAmitch replied to the topic Just purchased, can not install, fatal error.
December 7 at 7:46 pm
I did figure that out and got all of that working, sorry. I do have issues with setting up users and showing ranks and points, where do I get help with that? -
TAmitch created new topic Just purchased, can not install, fatal error.
December 7 at 4:51 pm
i just purchased the forum and I can not get it to install properly. I can get the component and plugins to load into the site, but as soon as they do I get this error